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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

People: Jenny Nguyen

I have been out of college for two years now. A lot of people have impacted me in those two years and I figure that it is high time that I start to tell them how they make me feel. I am focusing primarily on the people that I did not get a chance to thank in college but have left their imprint on me since. I have no target number to compete, but I need to inform people that they have loved. Considering that I have grown less emotional since college, this project does pose its problems; have grace on me please. This post is about the person who pluralized my name, Jennies.
Jennies, allow me to start out by saying that there is no way that I could ever say enough about how much you have impacted me this year. I hardly knew you beyond face recognition before moving into the Treehouse with you, and I can say that from the moment that you moved in, I chose to believe in you. When around you, I know how much that I am cared for, and when I think of you I think of you as someone who is strong yet honest. I have never met someone who is as unabashedly, unashamedly tell people the way you feel, whether that be messed up things in your past, your sexual history, or anything else. You are honest in another way too: if you think that something is ridiculous, you will say so, if you think that someone is great, you will tell them so. That type of honesty is extremely refreshing. You care for the people around you very well, and you understand well that you are loved. You are also up front about your insecurities, which, while at times frustrating, is also very refreshing to see someone who knows what their weaknesses are. You have taught me much, and while I have matured very much this year, you have played an integral part in that. I guess what this is all saying is that I respect you immensely. You do a good job of loving, and I think that you are excellent at being a functional human being.
I think one of the other things that I really love about you is your way of taking the ridiculous things of life in stride. Life is full of ridiculous things and you do not seem to get caught up in them, but instead seem to just laugh and carry on. In that way you are more logical and less controlled by your emotions. You have so many flaws, but you are aware of them and you have so many beautiful things about you as well, Jenny. You are ambitious as well and that inspires me to want to do more because although you are a nerd at heart, you take care of what you need to do first and prioritize play where it should be without over-valuing it and thus mucking your life up unnecessarily. We have spent so many good times together, one-on-one and with groups, and you are always a joy to hang out with. You really make me feel accepted and loved so securely. I love that about you and I often think to your friendship.
Jenny, you are such a special creature and I very much appreciate you. Thank you for loving me and being so good at it while at the same time allowing me to be secure and listening to me. Thank you for that, Jenny and happy birthday. I love you.

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