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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sharing Change

It's Tuesday in IV. Sharing change has many different meanings in IV, some more explicit than others, the most notable of which would be the unusually large population of homeless people in IV that frequently ask people for change. Typically they are ignored or shooed to the side, but once in a while uncanny compassion will strike a soul and they will do the unthinkable: share change. It may be bills instead of change, but for the purpose of this blog I will call it change. Some homeless people go so far as to adopt identities to try extract more shared change from people (see dp pirate). I once saw an interview with a couple IV homeless for a soc project that some kids did, and one of them said that the only reason anyone in IV should go hungry is laziness, which implies that pity metamorphosises into compassion more often than I pessimistically give IV patrons credit for. Sharing Change has another meaning in IV and that has more to do with the large amount of constant change seen and shared. Change is shared amongst housemates what with constantly shifting attitudes and residencies, as well as with IV as a whole, constantly sharing change with the large amount of new residents constantly coming and going. IV is always changing is the point that I am trying to get at. Even the restaurants and businesses share change, constantly moving in and out. One of the few retail places in IV just recently announced that they are closing. Case in point. It's just an interesting phenomenon in IV, the duality of shared change amongst not only those without places to rest their heads at night, and those that pay through the nose for the right to do so. Both share change, though for the latter, the change is much more drastic and far-reaching.
I myself have been noticing the vast change network in IV and in my own life, and how crazy it is. IV is a place that undoubtedly changes people, as I have noted before. We all just accept it and share this change with one another under the often false, but once in a miraculous while true notion that we have changed for the better. Even Isla Vista Chocolate changes.
Treats of the week: Just white chocolate, cinnamon toast crunch cookies. They were delicious, but I was incapacitated for part of the week, and left IV last weekend, so I was restricted in time.
Good Luck and Good Eats.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say that there is deep insight in this post.
