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Monday, November 7, 2011

Learning Difficulty

This has been a tough quarter for me. I guess tough is a relative term, but relative to my last fall quarter, this has been tough. In almost every aspect this quarter is significantly more difficult than the last; academically, financially, spiritually, socially, all of it is much more difficult this quarter. Even trying to deal with people that I used to Love so much is hard. I've been wondering what to make of it all, what to do with the info that this quarter is so much harder. Last year I grew a lot, as a man, as a child of the king, as an individual, as a human being. However, it was not growth through difficulty, as most people understand as the only kind of growth. Life was easier, I had more time and more energy to devote to what I wanted and overall I feel that there were much fewer worries clogging and clawing my head. This year my absurd financial troubles, combined with spiritual attacks and other such things make that type of growth just impossible. Life is just harder. Period. However, there are other types of growth. A man who experiences the death of his spouse grows in that mourning just as he grows on their honeymoon. This quarter I am still growing, but in a different way, in a way that plays off of the struggles and trials of this quarter. I simply keep reminding myself that it is only a ten week quarter and next quarter is an entirely different animal, but I cannot escape the feeling of being trapped and pinned down by all of these hardships, however hard or soft they may be. I am only surviving by reminding myself of two very simple yet profound truths: that God provides for his children, and that He will still grow me, even in the pain and the difficulty. So yeah, I do wish that this quarter was like the last one, not without its own worries, but simpler, less trying worries, instead of being difficult, but just as with anything it comes down to reminding myself of why I do it all, why I even live. Him, it is about Him. Not about my struggles or hardships which are so easy for Him, but about bringing Him the utmost glory. That I can do no matter the circumstance.
Treats of the week: Fried bananas today, brownies last wednesday.
~Good Luck and Good Eats

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