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Thursday, February 7, 2013

7 Days of Baking: Day 2-Strawberries & Cream Muffins

First off, I apologize for my lack of posting lately; it's not that I have not had time to bake, it's that I have not really had time to write, what with school picking up and me having to do some other things. I assure you though, I have been baking, and as the title of this post implies, strawberry and cream muffins.
This was the second time that I have made these muffins, but the first time in two years. The first thing that I have to say about these is that the cream concoction-a mixture of cream cheese, sugar, egg, and vanilla, is one of the more delicious creams that I have tried or created. There is just something about how all of those ingredients come together that makes it amazing.
Combine that with actual strawberry pieces, a basic muffin mix, and a streusel topping to bring it all together. Now, this recipe is a little bit labor intensive, as four different elements have to be made and then poured alternatively into the muffin tins. If you do bake these I would advise having a helper. As you can see from the pictures, these things look amazing.
On this iteration of these muffins, the stresuel topping did not turn out quite as I would have liked, but I do tend to overstuff my muffins and cupcakes and that likely played a role in that. I love the fresh bites of strawberry in these guys, but for me the cream mixture is what puts it over the top. The batter itself was quite a bit thicker than I was expecting, and I probably should have added a bit more milk, and consequently a double recipe only left me with twelve muffins. On the whole, I cannot say much on the downside of these muffins; they are good as a breakfast, a dessert, or anytime. I give the recipe, found over at the Squirrel Bakes Foodblog, 4 out of 5 muffins.

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