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Friday, June 29, 2012

Divine Orchestration

It's been a while since I've posted. Let's just get past that, shall we? It's summer after all. Summer is about two weeks old for me now. If you asked me about a month ago, I would have told you that this summer was a fat unknown for me-no job, dwindling bank account, not quite sure where God had me or where I was going to live for the first couple weeks, not even really sure why God wanted me here instead of abroad like I preferred. However, I was praying and trusting God. I've come to understand that you cannot have one without the other; you cannot trust God without praying and you cannot pray without trusting God. I think not knowing is the best place to be though. It leaves room for God to work. So often I forget that God actually wants to work and provide in my life and make provisions for myself that leave no room for Him, and then he doesn't get as much glory. Thankfully, He has put me in a place where I can do nothing other than leave room for Him right now and in my life. So there I was, trusting and praying, knowing that God is faithful, analytically. People have said that God is a chessmaster, but that doesn't really do Him justice-I do not know many chess players who care about their pieces intimately and selflessly. But nonetheless The King and Author of my faith still leads me in the directions that He knows I need to go. It started with trying to find a job, praying heavily and applying a lot everyday while in school, and finally I got the precious e-mail informing me that I had an interview at K-Mart. God had provided, but in more ways than I knew at that time. The friendly lady who interviewed me, Shiela, is a follower of God also, and aside from two simple, customer-service questions my interview was pretty much entirely about God and church. God had palpably provided as well. As far as why He wants me here this summer-He let me know also. I was put in charge of prayer for summer cru, the Christ-centered campus group I'm part of, with my boy Freddy Hicks. I knew that we should add someone to our team, and miraculously God put the quite wonderful Noel Lee on both of our hearts without the other's knowledge. When we talked about potentials then, our choice was clear. God has orchestrated a team of faithful warriors out of three previously depraved sinners. Another instance of orchestration occurred when a day earlier I was walking to the beach to read my bible and a guy biked by looking at me. He approached me and told me he is a fourth-year student at SLO who has an internship in SB and is looking for Christ-centered community. I told him about Cru here and got his number and just a few days later Freddy, Ben, and I had dinner with him and he came to prayer. It's just amazing the way God has orchestrated everything perfectly, in His timing and plan to start this summer. It makes me very excited for the rest of this summer. I am super joyful right now, knowing that God is going to take this summer, a summer that cannot be used for my own glory because I am in such a place of ambiguity, and use it to maximize His glory. All this and I can feel God, The one true God, King and Creator, transforming me into the man whom He wants me to be: a selfless, loving, God-fearing, God-honoring, man, capable of leading, but who puts Love and prayer as a first priority. It's about to be an exciting ride. Next post: Wedding Cakes! ~Good Luck and Good Eats

1 comment:

  1. I definitely need to be trusting God more this summer. It is awesome seeing Him move here.
