I do not know why I am posting on a wednesday, but whatevs. This is just something that I wanted to share, but forgot to on monday. Sometimes we are not thankful; I say we because I want to include myself in that. Sometimes we need to be made to be thankful for the innumerable blessings that God has given us. We have had mandatory power outages on my street a few times in the past couple of weeks. God's little way of riding me of distractions I suppose. But it has helped me to be more thankful of electricity once it has returned. I guess that I did not realize how much of an electricity-dependent society we live in. As well, last week, my laptop charger stopped working randomly, and I was not able to go and purchase a new one until friday. All week I was without a laptop, and when I finally was able to charge my laptop once again on friday, I noticed a strange phenomenon: I was extremely thankful for it. I think that I had begun to take it for granted, but I definitely am not doing so now. It was God's way of making me thankful, more so than I have been since I first got a laptop to call my own, that I have my own personal computer and how much of a blessing that that is. I had simply been habituated into thinking that this is just how life is, that everyone has a laptop. It took not really having one for a week for there to be literally a physical, noticeable difference in my attitude. Now, I am so very very grateful for this wonderful blessing that God has seen fit, in all of His Majesty, to bless me with.
Where does that leave me now? Dwelling in God's peace and perfect plan for my life and in utter gratitude of what He has done for me. Following this trend, I am also really sick right now, and although I do not know why, I can presume that it is to make me more thankful for the wonderful health that I apparently had begun to take for granted. I get sick and my health is taken from me and suddenly I get better and am dwelling in thankfulness of the good health that God has given me. No matter the case, I am a blessed man, that is for certain, and am trying to thank God daily for that wondrous blessing that I see all around me.
Good Luck and Good Eats
It's awesome how God teaches us through small things like that.