I think that Isla Vista would make a great reality tv show. You would have it all, drunkards, belligerents, love interests, douches, bros, etc. This last weekend was IV pride weekend. I did not go to any of the events (chilla vista, the really really free market, etc.), although I think by writing a blog about living in IV with IV in the title, I already have more pride than most people. I've thought a lot about IV this week past and about what it means. I think that the greatest thing about IV is the consistency. People generally desire consistency, and I know of nobody who prays for inconsistency. That being said, on a week-to-week basis, you can generally pick out what you are going to get from IV: stunningly gorgeous weather, studying/tanning on the weekdays, and enjoying the weekends, thrown together with lots of food and camaraderie; Isla Vista weeks rarely, if ever, deviate from this path. It's a nice trend in a world where few people, events, things, or circumstances are that consistent. It's one of the many things that are so beautiful about IV.
On the other hand, the people in IV are generally inconsistent. I've begun to notice that people in general that are here are inconsistent, with their affections, their love, just their lives in general. It's a very much bit irritating the way that people have short memories in regards to relationships and it really screws with my mind sometimes. For instance, I've begun to notice that people speak with me about baking so much, that's all they talk with me about. Forget our great memories and all of the times that we have had, instead it is just cookies this and muffins that. People are inconsistent, at times we are best friends and they love, at times they forget who I even am. It plays tricks on my mind, I'll say that much, and it is a part of life that I will have to learn to live with I guess. I just wish that my friends and the people I love would be as consistent as the place I Live. That would be the best birthday present ever.
IV Peep of the week: This is a joint award this week, given to the guys on their balcony yelling at a girl that they would give her forty dollars to make out with another guy there. It is something rarely seen outside of college towns.
Treats of the week: I'm pretty sure I baked more last week then most people do in a year. Tuesday I made butterscotch haystacks, wednesday featured the return of my peaches and cream muffins, and this last weekend saw homemade lasagna and garlic bread, peach cobbler, oreo cheesecake cookies, sorority girl cookies, banana chocolate-chip muffins, death by chocolate muffins, another batch of butterscotch haystacks, chocolate peanut butter haystacks, mini-cinnamon rolls, and peanut butter fudge brownies today. Wheh, did you get all that? Good, so don't mention it anymore.
Good Luck and Good Eats
Agreed with you! I also like the comic.