My second year is almost done. Two more weeks and IV chocolate becomes santa monica chocolate. You can tell this year is coming to a close: a lot of professors start talking about finals, and friends go from talking about what they are doing to what they have done. Talk of summer school and lease start/end dates have heated up immensely. A common question is now frequently rings, "Are you going to be here for summer?" Honestly, although IV anxiously awaits summer when the population decreases yet the sin stays the same, I really wish that this year would not be coming to an end. I Loved this year and grew more as a man and a person than I have ever before during this school year. IV has been torn up, physically during this school year, the construction ravaging several streets and IV landmarks. It seems like both myself and IV have been going through some changes this year. That is why I am so interested to see where IV will go after this year, in what direction IV will take. See which businesses last past the summer, and if any die out in the aftermath of so many residents leaving for summer. As well, it is interesting what my outlook will be when I get back. By the time I arrive back here in August or September, I will have lived in at least two other cities, and will be living in a different location in this wonderful, unique community. People's perspectives change as their locations change and I know that in going to Santa Monica and going back to Monrovia/Glendora, my outlook on things will change, just as living here for the past nine months has changed how I look at a lot of things. As well, I am very anxious to see how other people change in coming back after summer. Quite a few people I know changed a lot from last year to this, and now I know not to expect people to be or act the same as they have this year. Hopefully people do not change too drastically, but I will surely see. So many things God has taught me this year and so many things I am utterly stoked for next year, especially just how my life will grow generally next year. I'll definitely keep spitting out weekly Isla Vista Chocolates.
IV peep of the week: This has to go to the group of like 30 people getting on Bill's Bus on a sunday night, all dressed in halloween costumes. It was not halloween.
Treats of the week: A quiet baking week for me, just made smore's globs on tuesday and double chocolate double oreo crunch cookies on saturday. I also made homemade meatball subs and jelpeno poppers however.
Good Luck and Good Eats
I definitely see change in you. You have grown a lot spiritually.