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Monday, May 9, 2011

A Reversal of Fortune

As stated last week, IV is a very consistent place. It is one of the few places that is not in the least socially mobile. Although some people leave mid year, most of the time people stay where they are throughout the year and especially socio-economically. The college students stay as college students, the homeless people will stay as homeless people, etc, etc. And although institutions have a tendency to come and go, they do stay for a little while, and those restaurant owners stay as restaurant owners. AS well, although people do meet other people consistently, (at class, clubs, parties), people generally stay within their own social strata and do not hang out much with other people, even if they do meet them. That is more of a humanity problem then an IV problem, but many IV problems and advantageous are representative of problems in society. People generally are just quite apathetic and lazy enough to not branch out and meet people, even though IV is positively conducive to it.
On the other hand, every single person I meet I just want to get to know very well. I cannot quite pin-point exactly why, although I do know that it has much to do with God's perfect Love transforming me, but I definitely just love people a lot. Those that I know, and those that I am yet to meet, I just want to get to know the ins and outs of everybody. Even you, reader, I want to get to know you very well. I had lunch with someone on Friday, getting to know each other better. I've been doing it all year, and it is a trend that I really hope to continue. I have made appointments to meet with people and get to know them, and it will definitely be something that I strive for. Please, if you are reading this, let's hang out and get to know each other better.
IV Peep of the week: Talking to a friend on DP while a guy who was completely naked ran by. When I saw that, this was no contest.
Treats of the week: Even though I didn't want to bake as much this week, that didn't hold. Made chocolate and peanut butter haystacks, peanut butter brownies, cupcakes with cookie dough and hershey's kisses, homemade chicken enchiladas, pumpkin spice and everything nice cookies, a pair of fruit cobblers, and banana chocolate chip muffins. Mmmmmm.
Good Luck and Good Eats

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