This is spring break in IV. One of the most beautiful places around, yet nobody comes here for spring break, they leave, in masses. I'm calling it the great exodus, so many people left is such a short amount of time. If I thought finals week was creepy, it's a friday night on DP compared to spring break. The few people that are left are the CC kids, those students who have to work, and me. Isla Vista is actually quiet, and boring, two adjectives that almost never describe IV. I cannot overstate this enough, people are not here! Yet there is a certain quaintness to it all, kind of a glimpse into what life would be like if I didn't live in IV: I'm living with just one other guy, there is not a gang of different houses of people I know within walking distance. It's a weird kind of lonesome. But it definitely gives me time to think and pray.
Using that time I have made a discovery: People are very prideful. People do not have a very good understanding of what pride is, so let me clear it up for you all; pride is taking credit for things that God has done and saying that we did said things. Claiming any gifts or talents as our own is prideful, and thinking too highly of ourselves is extremely prideful. Virtually all sin comes down to pride in some form or another, as does a lack of compassion. All this compassion I've seen missing in society, it is because people think they are too good for each other. I'm one of them. I do not love people or care for people enough because of my pride. I'm trying to repent of it, and the people who are really truly prideful will read this and think nothing of it. Just something to mull over. Hopefully you have some time to do so, I know I do.
Treats of the week: Another busy baking week. Banana-Mango Coconut dream muffins, rice pudding, and pumpkin cream-cheese chocolate-chip muffins. I think the pumpkin ones have been my best batch yet, not sure. I used a generous dose of Isla Vista Chocolate though.
Good Luck and Good Eats
I definitely need to be less prideful...at least that's what I'm getting after reading this and someone else's blog...