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Monday, March 7, 2011

A Bump in the Road Less Traveled

There's a lot that can be said about IV, but there is definitely one path that majority of the residents here take. It's known as the IV scene, the party scene, or you could just call it what it is-debauchery. Anyone who doesn't traverse this road definitely take the road less traveled in IV. A lot of people, when they find out that you are one of those people will talk about how much they respect you and how cool they think it is that you don't do everything that they do. I've never understood this, you would think if they find that much respect for you for not indulging then they just wouldn't do that themselves, but perhaps they just don't like to admit it, but they themselves do not approve internally. I seemingly have to continually remind myself that this isn't really how life goes-outside of IV life is so much different.
Recently, and especially as the quarter has winded down and slowed down significantly, I have noticed a slight diminishing in my joy level. I am not fully sure why, but I have definitely seen it, and it has represented a proverbial bump in the road, even the road less traveled, much less traveled. The good news is that I have been given so many more reasons to be joyful than reasons not to. Well, not really by most standards, but if you look at it from a spiritual perspective, so so many more reasons. It's pretty nice to have this type of joy, a joy that is unable to be completely diminished. I can only thank God for it.
I am actually kind of glad that this quarter is winding down, not that it has been a particularly bad quarter, but I am excited for next quarter and especially spring break. Thankfully I can take joy in little things, you have to when you are in my situation. What can I say? I Love Isla Vista Chocolate.
Restaurant of the week: Blenders in the grass. It's not a restaurant in the traditional sense, but this smoothie place is very good, and I am a huge fan on the make your own option. I would advise trying it if you haven't.
~Good Luck and Good Eats

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