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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Perceptions They are a' Changin

So it's Tuesday, oh well. Anyway, back to business. I've started to notice that my perceptions have been changing from what they used to be. I don't have anything to substantiate my claims, but I think most people that live in IV have their perceptions changed in one way or another, usually without them noticing. I've said before that Isla Vista is a very diverse place, probably the most diverse place that I have ever lived, but it still seems that people only take one of a couple of different paths, and their perceptions adjust accordingly-they might be similar person to what they used to be, or they might be a completely different person, but there is usually at least a subtle shift.
As far as my own perceptions and how they are different then they used to be, it has been a massive shift in they I view so many different things: cooking, baking, females, compassion, homeless people, procrastination, etc. They type of spouse I am looking for has changed dramatically from an attractive girl to a Godly woman. I used to keep far away from the kitchen, but anyone could tell you now that I am actually quite the adept chef, and my friends tell me that I should open a bakery. I used to procrastinate hard core, whereas now I typically do papers the weekend after they are assigned. And I notice the lack of compassion, generally that exists in this world, and I want to see it change so.
I don't know; maybe it is just growing up, maybe it is growing older, or maybe living in IV has had more of an effect on me than I expected it to have originally. Maybe the diversity is wearing off on me. I'm guessing that this might be a thing that happens whenever you spend a sustained period of time anywhere-it begins to mold the way you think. Whatever the reason for the change in my thoughts, it will certainly make the future of Isla Vista Chocolate very interesting.
Restaurant of the week: Costco. The food is very unhealthy, but it is also dirt cheap and quite tasty. And just try to eat 10$ worth.
~Good Luck and Good Eats.

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