I have been away. Not physically, but I obviously have not so much as posted a blog in over two months. For that I apologize. I have no good reason for why I have been so absent. If you must need a reason, chalk it up to laziness (which is coincidentally what I have given up for lent). Please, allow me to catch you up on some of the highlights for last quarter and try to point you to where I expect to be going.
Let's see, last quarter I got a new co-leader for my bible study, in which I saw three guys really bond together and grow. I applied for a summer project, but that will be mentioned below. I went to my first engagement party for one of my best friends which was a blast. I went to class after class and passed them all again, by the grace of God alone. I experienced new things, learned a lot, baked and cooked a ton of new things. I saw my Clippers go up, and down, and back up again. Boy, where the heck did ten weeks go? The quarter was not all rosy though; each quarter brings with it a new set of unique struggles and gentle ambiances. I got rejected by a girl that I care(d) for a lot. Twice. I went through a period where I felt unable to feel, as paradoxical as that sounds. I was under spiritual attack through most of it. However, God rescued from all of those things. He gave me two amazing weekends out of IV with people I Love. He taught me about my interests and my plans. I experienced so very much Grace. It was a quarter to be remembered that will no doubt blur into the rest as more quarters come streaming along.
I'm on Spring Break currently. It's a time to look ahead, without forgetting to enjoy the place that God has me in currently. I'm still not totally sure about summer, but I do feel like I have a clearer picture of where God wants me and I expect to know fully before this weekend is done. This quarter, this spring quarter, features so many unique opportunities that I look forward to so much: I'm taking another film class, science-fiction film. Avengers comes out, a movie I have been very much looking forward to, just two days after my birthday. I have been baking a ton, going through ingredients at astonishing rate (we're talking 20+ lbs. of flour in under 5 weeks). I get to live, for ten more weeks in IV this quarter. I get the opportunity to see how all of my BotA planning will pay off. And I get to see a community come alive once again. Yes, this quarter promises to be an exciting one, followed by a summer that will be growthful for all sorts of reasons. But through it all, the underlying theme is to trust God, with all of me. My theme verse for this next quarter is 1 Corinthians 10:24-"Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." That is what I want my life to be characterized by this quarter, a selfless, humble, God-centered yet others-serving approach. Stay tuned.
~Good Luck and Good Eats
Where are you moving after the ten weeks? I will stay tuned.