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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another Year Gone By

Well, it's official-the year is 2012. It feels weird even typing those words. The point of a new year is not simply to celebrate, to drunkenly enjoy the turning of another day, the point of a new year is to first be thankful. We must not forget to be utterly, humbly thankful for the way that God's grace has shaped our lives in the past year. God's grace has been everywhere in the past year, and has made a definite, tangible impact on my life. Secondly, the point of new years is an introspective one, an opportunity to take a look at past events and try to become a better, more cohesive person.
For me 2011 was an interesting year, to say the least. The beginning of it was winter quarter last year and the beginning of OLF. Ever since the start of 2011, I've allowed God to work within me more than at any other time, I have cared more about God's opinion than anybody else's opinion. I was more broke in 2011 than in any years recently prior to it, but also cared less than ever before. I declared a major, philosophy, and bogged down my schedule accordingly. I led three seperate bible studies, with three different people, all amazing in their own right. In 2011 I learned how to bake, and then I learned how to bake better. June of 2011 saw me galabanting off to Santa Monica to tell people about the greatest gift ever given and in the process watched the Dallas Mavericks decimate the Lakers and then dispatched the Heat in the NBA finals. I met one of my best friend Chris Radford and many people I got to know much better, a trend I most definitely hope continues in the next 365 days. I'll list some of the names of people whom I feeel have made an impact in my life that I did not know in 2010 or prior. Conner, Lindsey, Kenny, Angie, Jessica, Andrea, Keila, T-Crown, Andrew, and many otherr, I do not have close to enough time to name everyone, those are just the names currently in my head. Ultimately, 2011 was such a joyous year for me, and that can only be on account of me allowing God's Love to seep into more parts of my life. I definitely have more exciting times ahead in 2012, but I nonetheless will not readily forget the people or events that allowed me to have so much Joy and divine communtiy this past year. The older I get the more I love people, the more I love people, the more I love being alive and where I am. I am so thankful for Who God has made me into and how he continues to shape me, and use me to shape others. As well, I started this blog this past year, and I hope that you have enjoyed it as well, it will continue this year, undoutbedly.
Restaurant of the week: Fonda Don Chon's. A delicious mexican buffet. Probably the best type of buffet.
~Good Luck and Good Eats


  1. I feel like as each year comes, they become better and we learn more from them.

  2. Life Statement
    God Statement
    NBA Statement
    People Statement

    haha love you brother!
