I have not posted in a couple of weeks, because my weeks and weekends have been crazy. I have been out of IV the past couple weekends. My weeks also were quite busy, and I suppose that my head was just in a different place because I feel like my head is finally at peace an in line with the rest of me. Two weekends ago I visited some friends from summer project up in Chico, somewhere I had never been before. It was quite the experience, undoubtedly good to see some friends that I had not seen in a while and experience some of a place that I had never before been to. I also got there and back by taking two busses and a train, and did not ever really feel totally healthy the entire time. I met a crazy Russian and a talkative Afghan at the bus stop. I ate dinner at the sketchiest liquor store because it was close to the bus stop. I saw the Sharks stadium, even though I am not a hockey fan. I took an overnight bus that had a 2am stop at a McDonalds. It was one heck of a weekend that would require an entire post and a half itself, and it was definitely an adventure that took me out of my comfort zone.
Then this last weekend was Real Life's fall retreat up in the hills of Slo at a campground surrounded by God's beauty. It was not that I necessarily had high expectations for the retreat, I just wanted to see God show up big and do His thing, unifying and bonding people together in a way that even the most well-planned professional retreat cannot. He did. I saw a community turned into a family. I saw a man violently vomit black cherry soda and spam. I saw a building full of people in reverent worship of God. I saw a family devoted to cooking us good food. I saw even more friends from my summer. I saw new friendships spring up. Ultimately, this weekend was one that saw a family form and brought people on the outskirts, people hurting and lost, into a family longing to welcome them in.
Yes, these were a couple of crazy weekends, and that does not even speak to how my weeks have been. This time away has taught me many things, and one of the most major things that sticks out to me is how very blessed I am. I have people all over the state who want to see me. I have a community here who loves me and looks to me. I have a life that I actually enjoy, because of the grace of God. He makes all of this possible. He puts my fears to rest. He reminds me that it is about Him and He will take care of little old me. I'm simply a vessel.
IV Peep of the week: I think this one goes to the guy walking to campus with an earbud in each ear and a yo-yo in each hand. Quite the sight.
Treats of the week: I haven't had a ton of time to bake recently, but I did make homemade baked mac and cheese, a couple batches of oreo cheesecake cookies, and banana chocolate chip muffins.
Restaurant of the week: Mo's up in Slo. Delicious bbq with four different types of bbq sauces. It was a sauce boss.
Good Luck and Good Eats
That is awesome to hear you have had two great weekends.