Just as I am about to leave the palm motel and begin stage 2 of my summer, a van pulls up and a man and dog get out. I'm wearing my outreach shirt, the one that says, "I found Purpose" because it was the last shirt that I had 'clean'. As I go into the room to get my stuff the young man questions me, "What is your purpose?" I respond quickly, "Jesus. What is your purpose?" "I'm trying to figure that out. That's why I am traveling the state in my van." That was it, the extent of the conversation that I had with the stranger before I piled into a car driving away from SM. While I wish that I had more time to discuss with the man where he can find purpose, I was forced to carry on. It started to get me thinking a lot about purpose however.
What is purpose anyways? I think people would generally, broadly define it as that which makes their life worthwhile, that which gives them meaning. But I find that definition weak because that I do not believe that purpose is that relative. My definition is a lot closer to Aristotle's, that is, performing the chief human function, but enough of philosophy. Let's be real, nothing we do as any real purpose, any real meaning behind it. Nothing that we do really affects anything here. I think purpose more refers to why we do something, the reason or end behind any of our actions. So for instance, the purpose of eating is to stay alive, getting good grades in high school to go to college, etc. Then, the purpose of life is whatever the reason of life or the end goal of our lives is our purpose. But really, the reason of our lives is to glorify or worship. It's what we were created for. We all worship something. My purpose is Jesus, to Love, adore, and worship Him who made me who I am. We can worship God, ourselves, or anything really. Some people worship sex; others, food; others, fame; many, money; a few, God, but the bottom line is that we were created to worship. It's who we are, but more than that, it is what we are. What you worship is your decision, but only one will give you true purpose.
Good Luck and Good Eats
This is awesome