There is a stark class clash in Santa Monica. I've already talked a little bit about the diversity earlier this summer, but I have realized that it goes so much deeper. Santa Monica is an obvious microcosm for the world, and the class struggles in the world, are easily echoed in Santa Monica. It's hard to get a full picture of because people are stuck in the class that they are already in and do not have the capability to see outside of it. I am merely a visitor to Santa Monica however, and one that likes to observe. I have seen plenty of the lowest class, the homeless, constantly breaking my heart with their stories of despair and sadness. Then comes the poor, working class with all of its many people who take the bus together and work together in their dead-end jobs, vocationally hopeless but sentimentally beautiful. These two classes are both very connected with the other people in their class. I have had fairly extensive experience with both of these types of people: the homeless need each other to survive, to learn where to get food and how; the working class need each other as a reprieve from their fairly humdrum lives. The other two classes do not need each other. The fairly well-off foreign people that frequent my work are well-off and are only staying temporarily anyways, so they have no need of anyone but family, and usually then just spouse. The rich in Santa Monica are a plenty, and their frequency often masks the presence of all of these groups. I saw a bunch of the houses of a lot of these rich people yesterday and I have no idea what you have to do to be able to afford one of these houses, but they were ridiculous. These people are the ones who are so well off that they feel that they do not need each other. They accept families because they feel as if it is the right thing to do. There is an intense disconnectedness between all four group and among the members of each of the groups.
The whole class clash in SM is a good allegory for the clique clash in SMSP. All of the cliques fighting with each other, there is a certain degree of unity within some, but it is difficult to say if the project as a whole is unified or disconnected, just as it is hard to decide for Santa Monica as a city. The class clash is extremely interesting to me as an outsider and an observer whereas the clique clash is less interesting because it actually affects me. Just as SM is a unique microcosm of the world, SMSP is a unique allegory for Santa Monica as a whole, although either of these things are hard to connect in the grand scheme of things. We will see the outcome as Santa Monica Chocolate winds down.
Good Luck and Good Eats
I never thought there would be cliques in conflict in SMSP...It's interesting to read about your observations.