Zombies are real. That is irrefutable. Not in the eat-your-flesh, mindless type of zombies that so many movies portray, but in the sense that a lot of people walk around purposeless, mindlessly infecting others with their own dreary lives, yes; zombies exist. When you think about it, there are many more people who are zombies then we probably realize. I've been going to coffee shops lately and seen tons of people plugged in, out of tune with the world around them. They are, like almost all zombie portrayals, concentrated on themselves only, focusing primarily on what they can get from all of the other zombies. It may seem like a morose, almost tragic view of human existence, but in this 21st century, communication-friendly world, it is also an accurate one. Gone is the old-world hospitality, gone is going to the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar, gone is any attempts to help a fellow man, gone is compassion, gone is sympathy. Replacing all of these lovely things: zombies, created by a virtual world, so content to wander purposelessly through the life, devouring other zombies as they strive toward a final goal of apathy and wanderlust.
The goodness however, is that we have a God who can take us from the point of being apathetic, uncaring zombies, and turn us into Loving human beings. This past week I have seen so much beauty: sun rays, coming onto the ocean, illuminating a spot in one of the most beautiful sites I have seen in nature, outside decorations, glistening with the light placed in them by the designers, and kids, playing in a water playground, unaware of their afflictions and the corruptions so replete within their destitute parents. All of it, is beautiful. The reason that such beauty exists is because He has allowed it to. He has taken us, insistent on becoming zombies, with maggots eating away at our flesh, and has made us sons of the Most High. His sacrifice changed this, me, my zombified heart, into a heart transformed, even when I ran to the other zmbies and wanted to be a zombie. And that is beautiful.
Good Luck and Good Eats