I read a book earlier this week called God thinks you're wonderful, by Max Lucado. It was given to me by a friend, and it was not a complicated book, rather it was a simple book, easy enough for a small child, complete with pictures and simple words. The book itself and the layout was super simple, but the message was profound: God thinks that I (and you) am wonderful. It's something that I already know, in fact God reconfirms it constantly within me, but to read such words and to see it put so plainly yet subtly elegant made it stick with me. I think I never fully understood until now exactly how deeply God feels about me; I still do not. The fact is that God made me and Psalms says that he knit me together inside my mother's womb. He could live anywhere in the universe and yet he chooses my heart. These things stick with me, and I hope they continue to do so because the message is strangely simple yet undeniably profound: God thinks we're wonderful. We've messed up and hurt Him time and again, and yet we are His handiwork, His creation, His beloved children. How absurdly comforting and self-confidence invoking.
Something else: I got a job, at Banana Republic of all places. It seems like every time that I am freaked out about something or have literally no control over something, like job-searching or finals or support raising, God provides and provides and provides. One day I will be longing for closeness and He will be close, but He will also bring by people to be close with. He knows me so well that He knows what I need at all times. I have never really taken a step back to think about how the Creator thinks of me and acts towards me when He is not at all obligated to, but now that I have there is only one sentence that reverberates in my mind: God thinks I'm Wonderful. Also, Santa Monica Summer Project is super fun and growth-spurring and I am having a blast here.
Good Luck and Good Eats
That is something everyone needs to be reminded on a constant basis.