I had one of the worst nights of my life last night. I guess it started around 2:30, going to naan stop with Jordan Marshall who told me that he had gotten food poising from there before, but assured me that it was "just a one-time thing." About two-three hours later I find myself at woodstocks, and it's free pizza so I of course partake. Zoom forward to about 8:30, when I start feeling a sharp, very sharp pain in my stomach. It felt like the scene from alien, where the alien jumps out of the guy's stomach. It's hard to properly describe how much pain I was in; it was crippling. It also left me feeling very weak. The pain, still unexplained however many hours later, masked the feeling of nauseous food poising that would have otherwise informed me about the war going on in my stomach between the naan stop and the woodstock's pizza. I tried to sleep, but to no avail, the pain was too great. I remember the beginning of the night, although I could hardly move from the pain, my wonderful housemates were also up, on Web MD and using their own experiences to try and offer some advice on what was going on. Around 2:00 the naan stop came out of me the same way it came in, through the mouth. I was expecting the pain to dissipate after I threw-up all the infected naan, but it didn't; I was still in pain so great it prevented me from sleeping. One by one my housemates went to bed while I writhed on the couch, not knowing why I felt like this. I ended up taking a shower at around 4:45am, like my sixth or so of the night because the hot water felt good on the stomach. The pain slowly started to recede after the shower and after I ate a little something. It was enough so that at around 5:15am, I finally fell asleep. It was one of the worst nights of my life, guaranteed. Only one other time have I felt this bad this year, and I ate Woodstock's on that day too. Coincidence?
Anyway, this unbearable night that saw me get about 5 hours of sleep had no real epiphanies (except for maybe not to eat Italian and Indian food in the same day), or no real lessons learned. Except that I Love Love my friends. It sounds cliche, I know, but it was my friends who kept sending me encouraging texts, informing me that they were praying for me, my friends who stayed up late with me, trying to determine why I was in such pain, and my friends who will ultimately read this. I Love you all. Now I need to go finish making the cookies I started yesterday before all this happens.
Good Luck and Good Eats
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