I have been out of college for two years now. A lot of people have impacted me in those two years and I figure that it is high time that I start to tell them how they make me feel. I am focusing primarily on the people that I did not get a chance to thank in college but have left their imprint on me since. I have no target number to compete, but I need to inform people that they have loved. Considering that I have grown less emotional since college, this project does pose its problems; have grace on me please. This post is about a real man, Alex Markovich.
Alex, your role in my life cannot be underscored. I very much respect the man that you are. I have seen so many beautiful things about you, from the way that you hold to your principles to the way that you listen to people well. You are able to be silly with me but also discuss things that actually matter. At your core that is what you are, somebody who cares about real things, things that actually matter. Having you in my life, in my house inspires me to be a better man because you are a good man. I feel so comfortable with you and having met your parents, I can say that you come from good stock, and the apple has not fallen far from the tree. You think well Alex, and you are more well thought out than most other people that I have talked to. Not only so, but you are somebody who enjoys life and seeks to live it.
Alex, I am so thankful that we are friends. I do not think that I feel worthy to be your friend. You are working for a great life, and when I think of you, laziness is not something that comes to my mind. I have a tendency to be lazy and having you as a good friend helps to alleviate that. I think even more so, you are not a man who makes excuses; when you make a mistake you own up to it. You have loved me in certain ways that few others have, taking an interest in the things that I find interesting and the things that I like. (You read my story when nobody else would despite being in another continent. That is just one small example.) These things may not sound exceptional to you but that is just because it is merely the way that you think. To you, being a good man is the prerogative, and I appreciate you being a man of principle.
Alex, thanking you for loving me and being such a good friend in many different ways. I feel honored to be a part of your life.