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Tuesday, April 30, 2013
People: Catherine Lieu
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a woman with a wonderful spirit, Catherine Lieu.
Catherine, I have a very high opinion of you. You were always so kind to me and you were always such a bright light with your wonderful spirit and your constant encouragement. Your smile lights up a room and you have a staunch Love for God that is noticeable and lovely. Lovely is a very apt word to describe you. Seeing you always made me feel better about myself, and always lead me so much closer to Christ. You Loved people very palpably and you were someone who was always so devoted to Real Life and to making people feel Loved. You showed Love to this little sophomore kid who has such trouble feeling Loved at times and that went and continues to go so much further than you know and do so much more work than you could realize. You were a woman who was able to Love because she knew Love and was Loved. It was always such an encouragement to see you and I always felt like you wanted to know me for me and not for any small part of me but you wanted to know who I honestly was. That is a rare and beautiful quality. I hope that where ever you are living now you still have that beautiful spirit and the willingness to let Jesus transform and sanctify you so noticeably. You are for sure a light to wherever you are and I always felt as though you were destined for so much greatness. I am sad that I knew you for such short of a time span, but I am thankful for however long it was, and I thank God whenever I think of you now. Anyway, thank you for all of the things that make you you. I hope and pray that God gives me the grace of getting to see you sometime in the not too distant future. I pray also that He continues to use you as a light, as I know that He is, and that other people feel as loved and accepted by knowing you as I always did and always have.
Something that I have never told you: I actually miss you a lot. I would lve to see you again because you did a lot in my life sophomore year.

People: Derek Bluett
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This is another post about a married man,
Derek Bluett.
D-Blue, I remember my first memory of really talking with you was at men's retreat my sophomore year. You are a man who is so Loving and always was to me. I never had to wonder if you actually cared about me, that was evident from the way that you lived your life and acted towards me. Even if you never ever told me you loved me, you said it with more than words. You pursued me as a man and always treated me as nothing less. Although I have always been fairly substantially immature, you Loved me no less, ever, through my sin and failures, and you always made time for me. I just enjoyed our long talks that took place on a regular basis, about life and what we were going through and experiencing. You were always open and honest with me, and that is a prerequisite for someone whom I am going to consider a good friend. You Loved me and pursued me, always making time for me. But what is more, you actually challenged me. I remember one time I brought to you how I was struggling with feeling emotions and it was weighing on me, and you asked me if God was any less good just because I could not feel Him. It was quite convicting and helped shape the way that I see God and discuss about Him with people. Another one of my favorite memories of you was when we went and got calzones at pasta house with Garrett one night. It was pretty late, but you had agreed to hang out, and so you made time for me. I've never had to wonder about your devotion and you were always a strong presence in my life ever since I got to know you. These things have deep, lasting impacts on me, more so than you probably know. It was also a joy to be a part of your engagement and later be able to go to your wedding. I have loved celebrating these things with you, and it was always encouraging to me how devoted you were to people and how you were ok doing things in a way that was a little different from the way that most other people did things. I am a big fan of yours and I am excited for wherever God takes you in your life. I pray that He continues to bless your marriage and that you see Christ in it and that it is a pristine example of God's relationship with the church. I also pray that you continue to have community.
Something that I have never told you: I think that you are destined for greatness, Derek. You are a storehouse of potential and I encourage you to continue to let God transform you in that way.

Monday, April 29, 2013
People: Half-Way There
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my half-way mark.
I've officially written what I honestly think of 50 people and how 50 different people have impacted my life in college. I am halfway through to my goal of 100 and I have learned several valuable lessons and it has not looked quite like I thought that it would. There are still several that I have to do, many of which will not be easy, but I have the conviction to do so. One thing that I have learned is that when I write about other people, it much increases the frequency of people visiting my blog.
I am not doing it for that reason, but I am thankful that people get to enjoy each other. One thing that I thought would happen more so than it has, I thought it would change my relationships. I thought that people would react to the information given and that it would either increase or in some way change the nature of the relationships. Truth is, that has happened a couple of times, and it has been beautiful when it has, but I do not think that the information really sticks with people past a certain very brief time.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that is just what I see. If going by just the number of page views, then the most popular person that I have done so far is Katie Klezek, no contest. Another important lesson is that this is an incredibly and increasingly difficult undertaking. It seems like it took me forever to get to 50 and I did not forsee how busy I would be this spring quarter. I am still going to keep at it because it is something that I am passionate about and enjoy very much, and it has helped me come to my final realization: I Love people. Each of these people that I am writing about, thinking through their history as I Love them and understanding the deep relationships that God has blessed me with, it has helped me to really fall in Love with people all over again. Granted, nobody should think that I do not Love them if they do not show up in the next 50, I probably still do. Man, I Love each of these people so darn much and I am so thankful for each one and the impact that each one has had in my life. I honestly do not know what I would do without any of these people these past four years.
~Good Luck and Good Eats

People: Daniel Philips
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about the man with a dozen nicknames,
Daniel Philips.
D-$, I first met you freshmen year at a joint bible study. I really got to know you the next year, and I have had the grace of knowing you throughout my time here at college really. One of the things that I really love a lot about you is that you are one of the few people that when you tell me that you are going to pray for me I honestly believe you without doubting. You are a man who has shown me so much of what it looks like to pursue people and to care about people despite pains or difficulties. We all have sins, but in you I have seen a willingness to grow and get closer to God, a breathtakingly refreshing quality. I have always been able to make you laugh and you are someone with whom it has been very easy to connect with over the years. You are encouraging and thought-provoking at the same time and you are a passionate man, something that I think most people are just starting to figure out about you. One amazing quality about you is that you care so much more about other people, and that is evident from the way that you live your life. You have always taken an interest in my life, the way that I feel about things, and the way that I perceive things and do life. That is so very rare and exceptional my friend. I have greatly appreciated our friendship and I have never had any reason to be insecure in it ever, and that is another fact that I appreciate. I have appreciated not only the way that you have encouraged me in my endeavors and taken an honest interest in them, but also for the way that you have poured into me and encouraged me in order that I am better equipped to accomplish God's purposes in my life. You really are concerned with me becoming the best me I can be and I am thankful that there is someone like that in my life. I pray that God continues to bless whatever ends your put your mind to. I also pray that He continues to pursue you and you Him. I pray that He continues to increasingly make you a man after His own heart.
Something that I have never told you: I really honestly respect you a lot and think that you have been a big encouragement to this community over the past few years. You are someone that I have reason to look up to.

Friday, April 26, 2013
People: Jacob Bergam
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man not defined by his brother, Jacob Bergam.
Iceberg, you are one heck of a freshman. I still remember when I first met you the night of the starbucks social, and I have cherished our relationship ever since. It has been so great to have you as a friend, and we have the type of relationship such that no matter how long we go between hanging out with each other, it is as if we did not skip a day. You are someone who knows what he believes and is confident therein, and I respect that so much. You have showed much Love to me in how you have been a friend to me despite not really having any obligation to. We have always made time for each other, and you are the type of person that no matter what people always feel as though they are your best friend when you are around. You have a candor about you, and I am so excited that our friendship gets to persist beyond next year and I have no doubt that it is a lifelong relationship that he have endeavored to be a part of. You are someone that I can honestly see myself being friends with and having a relationship with for my entire life and having no regrets about it. Maybe that sounds crazy, but you are that type of man in my life. You have shown that you are not afraid to Love and not afraid to be honest with me, and that is all that I ask in a friend. You have also been someone whith whom I can be honest, and as I think back on our relationship, there are many beautiful times that come to my mind. I frequently miss you when I do not see you much, and I always want to see you more. I am so very thankful for you and although I have only known you for less than a year, it feels as though it has been quite a bit longer. I pray that God breaks you, that He continues to break you of all of your sinful habits and transforms and sanctifies you into even more of a man who looks even more like Jesus than you do now.
Something that I have never told you: I am always praying for our relationship, praying that it is continually fostered by Christ, and you are one of the few people that I have felt like I have not had enough Love for.

Thursday, April 25, 2013
People: Christina Marshall
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about one heck of a woman,
Christina Marshall.
Christina, you are a woman of such grace, elegance, and candor. One of my favorite visual memories of you is you jumping up and down at your engagement party, showing off the ring. In all seriousness I think you are a one of a kind woman. You are one of the wisest women that I have ever had the grace to know. You have probably impacted me in more ways than I will ever fully know or realize for all that you have done in Jordan's life. For all that you have done in his life I have been able to get a glimpse into what type of woman you are, and that is why I constantly remind him how lucky he is. You take care of those that you care about so well. You are an image of sacrifice, constantly putting aside your time and desires in order to bless others, and you have done that with me on more than one occasion. I was honored to be a part of your wedding, and you have always been someone who has been exceptionally easy to talk with, hich I take full advantage of at each opportunity to see you. I think that Jordan has been given such a deep grace in having the blessing of you has a wife. Why? because you take care of him, you are there through the thick times and through the thin, you are appreciative of what he does for you and for all of his efforts, you give sage advice sto so many inidivuals, you in many ways suffer from a very similar affliction to what I do, at least from what I have been able to ascertain, you have trouble feeling loved. That being said, I have seen you grow a lot in that area and God has shaped you so wonderfully and miraculously into a leader and a strong one at that such that people look up to you. I also have a special amount of love for you because of who you are married to and that manifests in the high opinion that I have about you. I know that you will continue to make a deep impact where ever you go, and you have taught me a lot about what it looks like to be intense, encouraging, and loving all at once. I pray that God continues to bless your marriage, that He continues to shape Jordan into the perfect husband for you and you into the perfect wife for him. I pray also that God continues to bless me with the grace of knowing you and getting time with you.
Something that I have never told you: I have a lot of respect for you, especially for staying with Jordan and for making it work despite several difficult patches.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
People: Jonathan Beltran
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a vegetarian,
Jonathan Beltran.
Beltran, I do not recall first meeting you, but I know that it was sometime over summer. You chose to come to my bible study and you have been such a gigantic blessing to me in so many ways ever since. At one point, you were just a friend of Ty's who was going to be living at the plex, but you have been so much more than that to me. You have showed me what someone who is open looks like. I am someone who just despises it when people are less than forthright, and you have always been someone who has been open with the way you feel, you speak your mind, and it is all such grace for me to see. The way that you live your life is an encouragement for me, and you even call me out on things that it is necessary for me to be called out on, like not talking about myself enough, something that I never thought would be something to call someone on. You have an unashamed nature about you, and you are a man who knows what he believes and knows what he is called to. I have said from when I first got to know you until now that you have an amazing heart about you, a heart that beats for Jesus, and wants so desperately to know Him more. An instance of your beautiful character is as well your willingness to not take life too seriously. You like to have fun and be silly and you do that in your own way, and I love it. Discipling you has been nothing short of pure grace, as I have had the blessing of seeing God move and work in you first hand. You are also a man who Loves, and Loves well. I have learned so much of how to Love people and how to pursue through suffering from you. You have a confidence that I envy and that I wished so desperately that I possessed. There is also an elegance to the way that you do things. Most of all, it is so encouraging and refreshing to me to see someone that is committed to serving God and doing practically what Christ said, even if that often comes at a detriment to yourself. That is what serving Christ is all about, my friend. Beltran, please continue to be you. I pray that God continues to grow you in the way I know He desires you to and continues to make you into a man. I pray also that He continues to lead you closer into Him.
Something that I have never told you: You are actually one of my favorite people to hang out with. You have always been open with me in discipleship and in life and I consider you a very respectable man that I very much Love.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013
People: Jon and Jennie Hannon
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a married couple, Jon
and Jennie Hannon.
Jon, it has been a true pleasure getting to know you these past few years. Although I do not feel as though we had something to talk about, since you started law school, and I have matured, you have been one of my favorite people to talk with. You actually enjoy talking with me about philosophy and that has been a real treat for me over the past year. Being in Jordan's wedding with you was also a real treat, and you are someone that I have grown to respect in many ways and for many reasons. Your Love for Christ, and commitment to Him is so obvious and palpable, you always readily giving advice and sage council. You have this subtle way of Loving people about you, this subtle sense of humor that actually always made me laugh quite a bit. Additionally, you probably had more impact on my life than I realize, always pouring in to Jordan who always poured into me. You are a strong man who knows what you believe and that confidence has been an encouragement to me.
Jennnie, you are a one of a kind person. Someone who has so much Love in her heart and someone who just simply exudes joy. It is a pleasure to know you and every interaction with you ever results in positive emotions. ou just have this encouraging way about you, Jennie, and you are one of the most encouraging people that I have met in my life, always encouraging me yet never having an obligation to. You probably do not remember me way back freshmen year, but even then there was something alluring about you that led me to sit near you in Real Life. You were also always so real the few times that I got to see you speak in front of Real Life, being so transparent and that it extremely rare and graceful. Please continue to be who you are, Jennie, that short little bundle of joy. You and your husband have blessed me so much with your presence and continue to do so every time that God gives me the grace of seeing you two. You are a gem of a person, Jennie, so thoughtful and caring, not just in the way that you treat me, but in every story that I have heard about you. I pray that God continues to bless you two and bless others through you. I pray that He continues to grow each of your hearts for Him, and lead you to do the wonderful, amazing things that I know He has planned for you two.
Something that I have never told you two: I was not enamored with Real Life when I first started going. You two were definitely reasons why I decided to stay and get more involved, as I resonated with John's story and Jennie's realness.

Thursday, April 18, 2013
People: LIndsey Hicklen
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my domestic Partner,
Lindsey Hicklen.
Lindsey, where do I even begin. I met you through Matt near the beginning of my sophomore year and you were immediately different than any other man that I have ever met (and likely ever will). I cannot ever hope to properly even begin to express how much I utterly Love you. You care about me better than anybody else does because you know me better than anybody else does. You push me to be a better man, but you recognize fully the man that I am. We have not always agreed on everything because we have each grown and changed very very much in the few years that we have known each other, but our Love has been able to so totally cover up where we do not agree. You are very easily one of my best friends that I will ever have in the world. You have always pursued me so totally and consistently. You do something that so few others do or have done for me: you cook for me. You have always been someone to give me relief when I get so tired and exhausted from being with and pouring out into people. You have always demanded openness, which is perfect because that is what I have always wanted to give. We have very aligned values and you are a person who pursues people like I do, and even better than I do. You are someone that I can be quiet with and just sit with shooting the shit or watching the office or anything in between. You are willing to engage with me in the things that I enjoy and I am more than willing and even enjoy participating in the things that you enjoy. You have taught me more things than I could ever count and I never imagined when coming to this school that I would meet anybody else who is as poor as I am. Surrounded by people who are so affluent and thus cannot really understand me truly. However, you understand me, what makes me tick and what makes sense about me. You have showed me such a palpable glimpse, and more so, of what actually, practically serving Jesus, living like He said, and actually practically Loving people looks like. Nobody else has shown me so much with their life of what Loving Jesus looks like. I can confide anything in you, and your lifestyle makes so much sense to me. I Love you so much that when you do not make sense to others, I understand you. When others do not know why I am frustrated, a single look will tell you everything. Indeed, we have had entire conversations without ever speaking to each other. You were there for me when I could not bare to go home, when I needed to vent about people, and you lived with me during the greatest summer of my life. You have always been there to support me provisionally, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and in every way imaginable. Linds, you mean the absolute world to me, and this is but a small glimpse of that. I pray simply that you continue to Love God in His entirety and not just a portrait of Him. I also pray that God gives me the grace of having you in my life forever because I do not know what I would do otherwise.
Something that I have never told you: There's not much and you probably have expected this already, but I pray for you a lot more than you know. That just really reflects how close you are, but that is that.

People: Nicola Park
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my old summer neighbor,
Nicola Park.
Nicola,I first met you on summer project, obviously, and we were always quite good friends on project. You were one of my closest friends on project, and always there for me to talk with and unload on. One of the things that I have always Loved about our friendship is that there has never really been any awkwardness between us; that was true on summer project and that has been just as true since. I could come to you with things that I was struggling with on project and things that were wearing on me. You are a woman who is bold and speaks her mind and that is a startling display of candor that I do not see often in women. You are not perfect, and very far from it, but your faith has always been one that is so very encouraging to me because of the freshness of it. You really Love Christ and that is evident from the way that you live your life. You are always looking to point others back to Christ, just like you have always done to me. I have been unbelievably blessed by our friendship and the way that you have been open with me always and even in the big gestures that you have done, like driving to visit me after summer project while I was staying at my mom's house. That meant so very much to me as I was in a place where I did not have community. Every time you have come to SB we have been able to reclaim our friendship and that speaks to how close we have always been. I have also felt like although I often fail and fall I have still been able to be a good brother to you, but please correct me if I am wrong. You are one of the few people that I know that is always quick to call me out if I am exhibiting the traits of a bad day or if I am pretty obliviously sinning. I guess that I am really just extremely thankful for how you have been consistent with me, starting from the very beginning and have been willing to accept me despite my sin. I appreciate that so very much, and it is a clear example of Christ's Love in my life. I pray that God continues to work out all things for your good and for His glory in your life. I also pray that He leads you and shows you what looking like Him really looks like.
Something that I have never told you: You have always been one of my closest friends, ever since summer project, and your presence in my life therein has been very appreciated, always.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
People: Freddy Hicks
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about that firey Red Head, Freddy Hicks.
Freddy, I still remember when I first met you in bible study a few years back, and we went to Caje with Hiney. You were this goofy red head who was brand new to community and was a cock swain on the rowing team. You went MIA that spring quarter, but seeing you at the start of last year's fall quarter and seeing you fall in Love with community and with God was a huge encouragement to me. You were at a place where you were ready to really start pursuing God and you spurred so many people on towards a better relationship with Him. I still remember skyping with Hiney and telling him and being able to celebrate with him. We were able to live life together, even in the spring as we had lunch together every thursday. I was so stoked to be able to have a hand in your walk with Christ and seeing you grow so much more closer to His heart. As well, getting the joy of leading prayer with you over this last summer was such an example of God's grace in my life. It was a time in my life when I do not think that I would have been able to lead with anybody else, just based off of where I was at spiritually and emotionally, so when I learned that I got to lead with you I was so stoked. You are a man who respects me and I appreciate that so much. You constantly reaffirming me last year and the past few years has helped me in so many ways. I have thoroughly enjoyed living life and walking down the tough and the gracious times with you. This year it has been hard as you have been much less involved, but I want to encourage you to continue to press into Christ no matter what. If you do that then I will never have to worry about how much I see you or how much you seem to be doing. Ultimately, Freddy, thank you for being a force in my life and being open these past few years. Do not stop, please never stop being open and pursuing Christ. I care about your spiritual life first. I pray that no matter what you pursue Christ in everything, always putting Him first. I also pray that you are willing and able to sacrifice your heart and life in order that Christ may be glorified.
Something that I never told you: When you first started coming to Real Life consistently and you would always hang around me, I tried to be scarce so that you would be more willing to meet others. I think that it worked.

People: Jon Cook
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my roommate, Jon Cook.
Cookie Dough, I first met you our freshmen year when you first came to our Anacapa bible study. We have been friends and cohorts ever since. You are one of the most interesting people that I have met, and I do mean that in the best way possible, understand that. We give you a lot of crap at times but in reality it is only because we Love you. You and I, value wise, are perhaps as different as they come, but we are able to get along and talk because of our mutual Love for each other and our Love for Christ. I have seen you grow a lot over the years and that has been actually a huge example of grace to me. I really appreciate that you have always been so willing to give me rides wherever, even if I do not always express it. I appreciate that you share your life with me, even if I know that it is sometimes difficult for you to do so. I have seen your value system grow and change over the years and in reality it still looks a lot different than mine. I feel much more at peace going to sleep with you in the room, that much is certain. For years we were in bible study together, but I feel as though I have not really known you super well until living with you this year and last summer. Despite the difficulties that it has presented, I do consider it grace to have been able to know you in the ilk I do. You are a man of responsibility and gumption. A man with an unquenchable sweet tooth who knows what he is about. That confidence that you exude has rubbed off on me and I do appreciate that so. You are a unique combination of interests and skills and I know that you are destined for greatness. It is really nice to have known you for four years, but it has been true grace to have really known you this year. Seeing your heart and even just the way that you subtly take care of the people that you care about has been an encouragement and I know that you defend me before you ever do the contrary. I pray that God permits you the grace of an open mind, willing to hear sides that are not yours. I pray also that He puts on your heart an emphasis for His timing and His will and His people, so much more so than your own.
Something that I have never told you: Although we do not typically agree on everything or hold very similar values, I do Love you for the beautiful things inside of you. I do not really understand you at all, but I am thankful for you. I also want to challenge you to really think through what it looks like to put Christ first and have all of your actions flow out of such a mindset.

People: Chris Comstock
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my
campus director, Chris Comstock.
Chris, I doubt you remember this but I first met you I believe my freshmen year and I admit that I was intimated to meet you. You were the campus director and I was just a freshmen who was on the outskirts of involvement and community. Throughout the years though you have always been so kind to me. You always take my ideas into account, no matter how outlandish or ludicrous they happen to be. You not only recognize what I do (although I try never to do it for that purpose) but you also encourage me to carry on and to endure when it gets hard. I have heard countless talks from you, and they are always so golden. You have an infectious laugh about you, and I Love that I can pretty much always get you to laugh. You have put me in unique positions of leadership at times, but always knowing how to use my strengths to put me in positions to best serve the kingdom of my God. For instance, you let me take the helm on BotA as a junior and let me lead summer project prayer as a sophomore. That speaks to an aspect of your character which is really quite beautiful I think, which is that you care more about the development of individuals than you do things and systems running totally correctly. You have a similar heart to what I have for this campus and that has allowed me to really strive under your tutelage, and I knowt hat you have influenced me a lot more than I even know because you have multiple times discipled, mentored, and poured into guys who have discipled, mentored, and poured into me. You are a one-of-a-kind campus director, and believe me when I say that I mean that in the very best way. It is clear to me that you honestly care about people coming to know God. You are a man who knows his own personal limitations, and does not let those limitations get in the way of things being accomplished. I thank you that although you have never really had to, you have Loved me very much in very many ways. I pray that God blesses your relationships, and continues to push you further from your comfort zone. I also pray that He continues to make you a light to so many.
Something that I have never told you: I asked you for prayer via FB message freshmen year and your response being like it was despite you not knowing me at all really spoke volumes to your character.

Monday, April 15, 2013
People: Will Perschau
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man that I have only known for this
year, Will Perschau.
Will, I first met you over summer when you came with Ryan to visit SB. I can say with full authenticity that you are an amazing individual with a wonderful heart who has been a light and a constant breath of fresh air. I am not the only one who thinks that either. When I first met you you excited me, and unfortunately due to my own sin, there was a period where I was not as good of friends with you. Thankfully, God has given me the grace of seeing you as you are and it has been an absolutely beautiful ride. You have given me reason to Love and to be excited, but more than that you have challenged, encouraged, and spurred me on toward Love and good deeds always. You are really just a solid guy and an incredible friends who is a man of integrity and uprightness, more so than most. You have a quiet spirit in you that reminds me of my own, without trying to toot my own horn, you just have this way about you such that you are continually striving to better yourself and grow to resemble Christ more. You are not afraid to answer the difficult questions, and you always are so kind and Loving and never do you fail to accept me despite my cruelty and my failures. Really, I am not a very kind person, something that I am admittedly trying to work on, but you still Love me despite that, and whenever we talk, be it in bible study or hanging out or whenever, you honestly listen to what I want to say, not just to humor me, but because that is the type of person that you are, one of the reasons why I say that you a man cut from the highest cloth. You have experienced some deep pain and have seen your sin firsthand in your life, and it is that which allows you to Love as fiercely as you do. Will, you have been real kind and Loving to me all the time and I am so thankful that God has brought you to Santa Barbara this year. I hope for many more meals, many more laughs, many more moments with you, my friends, because you have been someone that I can rejoice or mourn with. Thank you. I pray that God continues to lead you down the most amazing path and that you Love Him more and more every passing day. I pray also that you continue to experience more His presence daily.
Something that I have never told you: When you first told me that you were going to be in Taylor's bible study instead of mine, I made up my mind to be bitter towards you, a silly sin on my part. I am so thankful that God took that from me in its entirety and that ever since He did I have a special type of Love for you.

Sunday, April 14, 2013
People: Chris Radford Weber
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man who means so much,
Chris Weber.
Chris, I met you one of the first days of summer project and at the time I had no idea that you would become one of my best friends. You will always have a special place in my heart, my friend. Our friendship was of a different sort; we truly Loved each other. You once asked to go on a walk and told me some of the gnarly stuff that you were going through. It was only then that we made the transition to best friend status, and I Loved every single minute of our relationship ever after that. You were a brother of mine on project. I had the joy of walking with you through some really tough times and you did the same. Sometimes we literally walked together, other times we took 4 hour naps, other times we would just hang out, but no matter what, I always felt as through I could tell you anything and everything. Chris, I could never hope to say what our friendship meant to me on project and what it still means to me even though we do not talk as often as I would like. You gave me an outlet for a heart that needs someone to intentionally Love and to be intentionally Loved. I remember reading your blog that mentioned me in it once you wrote it after project and it so confirmed the way that I felt about you. I really cannot speak enough to how much I needed you on project and how you were always there, accepting me even through my faults and failures. In my sin you still Loved me, in my failure you still accepted me, in my pain and spiritual attack you still pursued me. One of the times I have wept the most in my entire life is when I had to say goodbye to you that last morning of project. I stood there, weeping while hugging you, unable to bear the understanding that I would be unsure of the next time that I would see you. Rarely a day goes by, even now, that I do not think of you and wish that you could go to the same school as me or we could be roommates. I still thank God for you, my friend, and for the very lasting impact that you have had on my life. Thank you for being open with me on project and allowing me into your beautiful life. I pray that God continues to bring you closer and closer into Him and that He restores you to a place of peace and awe.
Something that I have never told you: I always really miss you. No matter how much or how little we talk, you are ever in my heart.

Friday, April 12, 2013
People: Robert Bustamante
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about one of the most encouraging people I know,
Robert Bustamante.
Robby, you are one of my favorite people that i have ever met, obviously. You have always encouraged me, not just when you see me, but with your words and even in the way you play basketball, your emphasis is on other people. I think that there are few people like you in this world, Robby, the way that you subtly and powerfully pursue people, and I am no exception. It is amazing the way that you Love people uniquely. I cannot recall where or how I first met you, but however and whyever, I am incredibly thankful that I have had the true privilege of being your friend throughout these past few years. Whenever I went to Jesus Burgers, you were there, and to be honest that is one of the things, the fact of your presence, that kept me going even when I desired not to. When a part of my body hurt at one point you gave me an ice pack, and that sort of intense selflessness really defines who you are, Robby. You are a man of the utmost character, always putting others first in such a representation of Christ. To me you always encouraged me in super unique and incredibly needed ways. You showed Love in the way that for years you replied to me and you really were a friend to me. There is just something about you such that people just enjoy spending time with you, enjoy being around you, at least I do. And you obliged me so often, and so often I needed your Love. It is a Love that has always been so palpable and I never once had to question the way that you felt about me, it was always more than apparent based on the way that you acted. Man, I think that the biggest thing that i have to say about you is how much of an utter and sheer encouragement you have been to me throughout my few years here in college. It has always been a blessing and never been anything less. You, Robby, are a special type of blessing. I pray that God continues to heal your body and fill you with His spirit emotionally and spiritually. I also pray that Christ continues to fulfill his purposes in and through you.
Something that I have never told you: There is one time when you honestly asked how I was and I said that I struggled to see myself as a leader. You replied that you found that surprising because I am such a leader. That subtle reply did more for me than you have known.

Thursday, April 11, 2013
People: Mango Black
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my baby face, Mango Black.
Mango, I first met you last year after hearing so much about you from Trevor. You have been a steadying force in my life ever since. What is more, you have been a steadying force in the life of people around me. You have shown a willingness to be open and a willingness to grow, a beautiful characteristic that a lot of people do not have. I actually respect you a lot because you know that you are not perfect and are willing to change. Some people consider themselves perfect. You know you are not. One of my favorite things about you also is that although you are vocal with things that you do not want to do or things that get on your nerve, you will still endure them and do them if they will lead you to Love people. Tea Time with you has always been and was always absolutely amazing. Getting together with you to just laugh and enjoy each other's company every week was positively wonderful. You are going to be a great man, that much I know. You are one of the most Loved people that I know, and as only a second year, that is quite a claim. You know it too and you are more than willing to use that Love to give back to other people. I think that you have a hell of a value system and a great upbringing. Ultimately, Mango, you and I have not always agreed about everything and we have not always professed to, but our Love for each other goes beyond that and covers over our differences. Our relationship has always been beautiful and I know that it will continue to be. I pray that God moves in you always, always comforting you through the difficult times, because there will be many. I also pray that you would be assured that there will be many difficult times but that serving and Loving God despite and even in spite of that has such a reward in it. Finally, I pray that God continues to use you in the ways that He knows how when you are here and even beyond.
Something that I have never told you: Although I have often joked with you about your interests and some other things about you, I actually Love you quite a lot and I think that we have a special type of Love for each other.

People: Jeff Felker
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about the burger master,
Jeff Felker.
Jeff, I first met you at a starbucks social my sophomore year. We have gotten along and even been solid friends ever since. You have a very consistent way about you, Jeff, always leading people closer to Christ. You have shown me, believe me, what it is like to honestly care for and about people, not just about their well-being or about their physical nature, but having the grace of being around you a lot over the past few years has shown me what it looks like to really care about people as people. You have most definitely spurred me on toward Love and good deeds. At times I wondered, doubted, not my faith, but about the future, wondering if all of my striving and work for the Kingdom was for naught; your consistency and willingness to put in work even when it was difficult and everyone around you was quitting shouted a resounding 'no', to not quit. That is I think something that has defined you and continues to: a willingness to work and Love even when everyone around you does not, even when you wonder if they are getting the ame information because they certainly are not acting on it, you still Love, often even stronger. This year particularly I have had the grace of discipling you, and walking with you through incredibly tough times. I have always been someone who has been able to challenge you, and amazingly you have always stepped up to that challenge, but this year you have really been open to how I have lead you and how I have not. I do not think that life always feels easy for you, I think that it often feels hard, but you endure so well, my friend. You are a son of endurance. I encourage and implore you to continue to do so even when it seems difficult and even hopeless, know that you have a God, The God with you there, also suffering and walking. Ultimately, Jeff, you have been an encouragement with your openness, and I have always felt Loved from you and encouraged in you. You are a man who pursues people and pursues justice, Love, and peace. I pray that that would only continue and that you would continue to lean into God when the times are hard. You will not always feel golden, but I pray that God continues to help and comfort you when you are weak.
Something that I have never told you: I think that God wants to give you joy. Sometimes I struggle with not knowing what to say to you or exactly how to say whatever it is, but you have still been encouraging.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013
People: Andrew Higgins
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a lovely, goofy guy,
Andrew Higgins.
Higgins, I first met you on summer project, obviously, having heard much about you from various Santa Barbara people who already knew you. At first, you were a vital member of the bunker who was really tall and goofy, but you became so much more to me than that. You knew how to Love me, plain and simple. You are one of only a few disciplers that I have ever had, and therein you showed so much Love to me. You drove me everywhere in Tuggy, you bought me meals when I had no money, you took care of me when I could hardly walk. It was such a clear example to me of what Loving someone through actions and not just words even looks like. I borrowed countless of your clothes; shoes, pants, shirts, ties, everything, and it was a real treat to have someone on summer project, a roommate even, who was as tall as I am. It was so cool how we were able to bond through that and how even after staff left you still Loved me and still you were intentional with me. Even after summer project though, I still had the grace of getting to see you several times due to Real Life's proclivity to go on many retreats a year, all in SLO. I have the highest of opinions of you, and you are one of the very few people that I think that everybody should know. We had nights and times when we would just lie together and sit with each other and just talk about anything and everything. You were always somebody that I could talk with about anything and you treated me as an equal in every sense of the word. You are an absolutely beautiful individual who Loves so well. You met me where I was at, and Loved me there. So many people do one or the other, especially in today's world, but you did both. We lived life together for those two months, walking with each other (sometimes even physically) when one of us were weak, and rejoicing together through the good and wonderful times. You have an energy about you that is not seen many other places, Lovingly sacrificing yourself for other people. I consider myself truly blessed to know you and call you a friend and brother, and I know that my friendship with you is a lifelong, eternal endeavor and I honestly do not want it any other way. I pray that God continues to reveal new parts of Himself to you and treats you graciously. I also pray that He blesses your marriage and whatever your hands set out to do with your life.
Something that I have never told you: You were so much of a brother to me at a time when I needed it more than I ever admitted. The small things you did made a huge impact.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013
People: Chloe Reichert
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a tall woman, Chloe Reichert.
Chloe, I have known you for a while now, just about three years. You are someone who has been in my life in one way or another over the past few years. This year however, we really have had the grace of a deepened and more Loving relationship. This year especially, I have had no qualms calling you a sister and walking through vital parts of life with you. My first real memory of you, bringing you water when you were coughing during spring focus a few years back, has set the tone of our relationship, always spurring one another on towards Love and good deeds. I have not always been a brother to you in the ilk of Christ, but I feel like this year I have been much better at being an actual brother to you. Chlo, you have been a sister to me, and I appreciate that a lot. You have been someone that I have been able to confide in and I am able to not have any insecurity in our friendship, which is something that I have not beel able to say for a lot of people. You have readily accepted me, and especially this year, have been willing to show Love and make sure that I am not overwhelmed, even if you do not know it. I really do not have enough words to say to you, Chlo because you have just been a sister to me in the most literal sense of the word. You lead a bible study this year, but for years have impacted people in Real Life more so than I will ever really know. You are perhaps the most Loved person that I know, evidenced by your recent birthday which people came out by the truckloads to celebrate, an example of the fact that people really truly Love you so much. I think that God has some major plans for you, Chlo, and I have no doubt that He will continue to transform and sanctify you, because it is clear that He has done so throughout college already. Ultimately, you have impacted so many in college, Chloe, throughout difficult and easy times you have been an example of persistence and trusting in God through weakness. I am very thankful for the relationship that we share and the level of depth that our friendship holds. I pray that God makes you into a mature woman of God who follows God's voice in all things. I pray also that God takes you to a place where you care most about eternal things.
Something that I have never told you: I do think that in the past I have not been a very good brother to you, and for that I am sorry. I also think that it was grace getting to see how God grew you through leading community team.

People: Chasen Rogers
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my bible study co-leader,
Chasen Rogers.
Chasen, I remember first seeing you in Real Life; you were seen as the epitome of cool and in all honesty I did not know what all of the hoopla was about concerning you. I first thought, for two years, that you were not actually that loving of a person. However, over the past two years, that idea of you in my mind has dissolved quite a bit. You have showed a good deal of love to me this year in leading bible study this year, and in having you to lean on each and every tuesday evening. Even last year when you were my leader with Deebs, I thought you did as good of a job as you could handle. You have a very unique way of loving, Chasen, evidenced by last year's sprig focus when I came to your for prayer and completely wept in your arms. Really, you have always been to pray for me when I have had need of it and I really appreciate that so much. We have played basketball together on numerous occasions and it has always been to my treat. I understand now why people enjoy spending time with you so much and how there is just an allure to being around you. You are strong and a good listener and that's really what people want in a friend. Throughout the past couple years, and even all three, it was merely my sin that chastised you and it was never the Holy Spirit, and now I understand that more fully. You have been such a blessing to me over the past couple years, and it was definitely a move of Christ to put me in your bible study last year, even though you were one of the last people I wanted as a leader. You were always gracious to me, never getting angry at me that I had judged you, even sometimes vocally. Now, I understand that the way that you care about people is different than the way that I care about people, and there is nothing wrong with that. The fact of the matter is that you care for people. You have made an impact in my life these past few years, Chasen and have been a steadying force for me, barring through my sinful nature. And now we have been built up into a beautiful friendship and I only want it to continue. I pray that God will continue to allow us to cultivate our friendship and that He continues to lead you down the right path. I pray that you would know Him more fully every day and Love Him more always.
Something that I have never told you: I think that you have a lot to offer and that people would be so blessed by you opening up to them. I think that you would also benefit a lot from really truly pursuing people.
Chasen, I just Love you a lot, and I really very much appreciate how you have cared so much for me over the past few years. You are quite a man.

Monday, April 8, 2013
People: Frisco Miranda
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man that I have the privilege
to know, Frisco Miranda.
Frisky, I first got to know you when i invited you over for dinner last year. I had only heard good things about you, and those can now all be confirmed by me. You are someone who Loves God's Word so very much, in a way that has inspired me to take my faith more seriously in my life. It really has been such grace knowing you and growing mutually together. You are a man who knows what he believes in, who knows what is important and what is less important, and a man that at least to a good extent has his priorities straight. More than that though, you have showed a lot of Love to me in a variety of ways. First and foremost, you have given me a ride to church countless times and to numerous other events. One of the easiest ways to show Love to me is to just simply give me rides when I need them, and you have always been so apt and willing to do so, and that has impacted me more than I can say. I Love just spending time with you because you enjoy having fun but you also Love Jesus so much and are so interested in actively engaging in conversations wherein He is the main subject. That faith of yours is so secure and it is refreshing to be able to call you a man in the truest sense. There have also been countless nights when I have just sat with you and Ruby without the slightest inclination of condemnation of of exclusion. You have bought me meals and showed me what it is to chase after God harder than you thought you knew how. You pursue people who do not know Jesus so much better than I do, and it is clear that you honestly care about what is best for people in your life. Truth be told you, I definitely consider you a brother of mine, truly and in a beautiful sense of the word. I have never necessarily felt worthy of your friendship, but you have done your best to continue to show me that I am valuable and that my input is worthwhile. That is worth more than I could ever say. I also so value your openness with me and the ability to be open with you. I pray that God continues to push you toward Him and remind you of the greatest thing in Life: a life with Him. I also pray that you are able to discern His voice as best you know how for the duration of your life.
Something that I have never told you: for a long while I was somewhat intimidated by your faith. I realize in retrospect that that was because of errors in my own character, and now it encourages me.

Sunday, April 7, 2013
People: Meredith Cabaniss
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a yoga teacher,
Meredith Cabaniss.
Meredith, I honestly do not remember where I first met you or my first impression of you. However, I know now what I think of you and in looking back, it was clear to me that I had to include you. You are a woman who is extremely generous, much of the time at a detriment to yourself. You are encouraging and I see an honest desire within you to care for people, and that can only come from caring for people, if that makes sense. One of the times you impacted my life the most over the past four years is when you baked a cake for my birthday sophomore year. Honestly, I did not expect that and was so totally blessed by it. I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to bond with you over the years over baking and a mutual Love for people. This year I think that your character really showed through to me as I was given the grace of getting to know you better through being your neighbor; you readily bring me things that you have baked, you are so caring in the way that you care about your sister, and in the way that you pursue people in a very similar way to the way that I do. All of these things have quietly encouraged me to keep living the life that I am living and keep impacting people with and for the gospel. You are a woman, Meredith, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. The way that you worship God inspires me and I think that we have a lot of similar interests, understanding that this life is about eternal things and not about things that hold no value. Really, in my first three years, when I really wondered about who I was and about the life I lived, you were someone who always encouraged me in the way that you included me in so many things and from a very early time always made sure that I felt part of the family. Meredith, I appreciate that so very much. Ultimately, you have contributed to me feeling part of this community and a part of this Love. And this year I think that our friendship has been beautiful in the way that we have mutually spurred each other on towards Love and good deeds. I pray that God continues to give you passions for what He has passions for and that He gives you the desires of your heart.
Something that I have never told you: I very much respect your values because I think they are aligned with mine very similarly. Not that that counts for anything, but it is what I see.

People: Mike Stock
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about one of the tallest men
I know, Michael Stock.
Stock, I first met you at a starbucks social my sophomore year with Chris Ward. I thought you were cool at the time and I still do. We had a lot of quality talks and meals together that first year, and it set the precedent for a beautiful friendship. I have always been very thankful that you are in my life. I have always been able to relate to you because of your height and I do not know quite what I would have done without that. Believe it or not, someone like you, even being able to have a conversation at eye-level, has been so clutch in my life over the past few years. I have had the personal grace of being able to see you grow not only as a person but in your Love for Christ. But this post is about the impact you have had in my life, and that is palpable. You came and visited me during summer project and I really appreciated that. I have not always agreed with your life and I am sure that you have not always agreed with mine, but in a picture of beauty and grace that is not the prerequisite for us to Love each other. I think that you and I have always shared a special bond with each other, because of the height, yes, but I think that it goes deeper than that. Loving you has always been so simple, Stock, and I do not feel that I have done a good enough job at that over the years. But it has been an encouragement to me the way that you have continued to seek God through thick and thin, through times that are tough and times of rest, through times of having time, and through times of intense business. Believe it or not that has been so big in encouraging me to do similarly. I really respect the way that people feel Loved through you; that makes my job so much easier. I have been a big fan of yours and it has been such a stand-out example of grace the way that you have always been there in the little ways for me, like whenever I had problems with my computer or even just to be able to talk to you free from fear. Stock, I just need you to know that you have been a steadying force in my life the past few years, that your growth has encouraged and astounded me, that I am really quite thankful for you, and that being friends with you has been easy and rewarding. I pray that God continues to grow you; I pray that you continue to trust that He has your best interest in mind, and that He will lead you down His perfect path.
Something that I have never told you: I think this year our friendship has been especially beautiful and you are someone that I feel like no matter how far apart we grow, you we will always be good friends

Saturday, April 6, 2013
People: Jake Whitehead
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my favorite kilt-wearing Scotsman,
Jake Whitehead.
Jake, I do not remember first meeting you, but I do remember first seeing you at Real Life with your distinct facial hair. However, most of this post will be about last year, wherein we lead a bible study together. I think that you are an amazing man, and I do not use the word 'man' lightly. You have such integrity and spiritual strength to you. But more specifically, you were very influential to my own personal life. I had the grace of getting to think back to our relationship when it came time for your wedding, and our relationship had so much beauty in it. We were very open with each other; we developed our friendship at a time when we were different ages and in somewhat different places in life, but we both devoted time to one another. I Loved you severely and you Loved me right back. Although I felt like we lead a heck of a bible study together and were readily inviting others to partake in the relationship that we shared, I think one of the most beautiful things about us is that we always made time for Jake and Cody. Whether it was cooking (very extravagant meals) together, all of our many walks to and from bible study, planning study, having similar passions (teaching men how to be men and taking responsibility and owning up to it), or just spending time together on the weekends being silly, we lived life together, and that is something that is so very done well. I think it is very beautiful that we did that with each other, always pursuing each other to pursue others. I firmly believe that your steadiness really helped spur on the faithfulness that we enjoyed from our freshmen dudes in bible study last year. Having you to lean on as a co-leader and as a friend was so good. Jake, I am so very thankful to call you friend and to have called you a friend and to have been your groomsman. I pray that God blesses your marriage and continues to give you purpose in your life. I also pray that as you seek to know Him more, that you are lead more into the depths of His heart.
Something that I have never told you: You were one of the few people that I could be really open with last year, and I definitely experienced the grace of being able to be super open with you.

Friday, April 5, 2013
People: Taylor Hurt
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my bible study leader, past and present, Taylor Hurt.
Tay-Tay, I am not really sure where to begin in discussing how you have impacted me. I remember that you first in that you meant so much to Nick Brown. I also remember near the ends of my freshmen year when we had a long talk outside of the plex in the cold of night for hours. I have had the grace of seeing you grow over the years in different ways, something unique for someone older than me. You have lived life through a lot of difficult and easier times of my life, and I am so very thankful for that. From my sophomore year when you were an intern, impacting me indirectly in more ways than I understood or understand, to summer project where you were my action group leader and legitimately pursued and encouraged me, to this year where I feel as though you honestly change and have become such an incredible bible study leader. I have always been a big fan of the way that you lead study and the way that I lead only imitates that, so in many ways the powerful way that you lead has impacted people who will probably never meet you or see you talk or lead at all. That is a legacy, my friend. Even as I type those words, it has taken me a long time, but I am finally at a place such that I am honored and it is my great pleasure to call you my friend. No longer are you just a bible study leader, or just a man, you are my friend, Taylor, and that means that world to me. I have seen a change in your character this year in such an incredible way and I believe that you Love me now more than you used to, evidenced by the fact that while I type and think through the way that you have impacted me, the word 'Love' is among those that come up. There was a time when I never thought that I would be able to say that for you. Ultimately, you have been different things to me at different times in my life, but as it stands now you are one of the people who have impacted me throughout the years and I appreciate that. I pray that God simply gives you joy, an unfettered, unashamed joy. I pray that He continues to grow you in the areas where you are weak and that He allows you the grace of a beautiful, redeemed relationship with those around you whom it can be difficult to Love, like your dad.
Something that I have never told you before: I long considered you a man who only pursued those whom you had an obligation to pursue. I never really felt Loved by you except when I was in your bible study. I may have told you that before, but I feel like that perception of you has changed a bit this year.

Thursday, April 4, 2013
People: Adrian Gusland
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man with a most beautiful of voices, Adrian Gusland.
Adrian, when I first met you you were a man who was super cool, universally acknowledged and I was just a wee freshmen. For a year I thought that you were someone who thought himself too cool to hang out with me. Then I got to know you and realized how incredible of a person you are. You are a man who pursued me in times when I have really needed it over the past couple years, and I respect and appreciate that so much. Adrian, you are a man with whom I have gotten along with so well and I respect so much for so many reasons. Not just for the way that you have treated me, but for the way that you continued to pursue the movement of Real Life even after you were done with your four years, I respect you. You always have wanted to know exactly how I am doing and for no other reason that you Love me and honestly care. Your honest care for me was so needed at so many times in my life. You have showed a willingness to be open with someone whom you have no obligation beyond Love to be open with. I believe that I have shared a special bond with you over the past couple years and there is just a warmness when I see you. Even though now it has been fewer and further between, there is still such a grace and Love in seeing you, always. I had the grace of getting to know you more last year and of getting to go to a bachelor party and wedding with you where we were able to grow and share laughs together. I guess one of the biggest things that has stuck out to me about you the past couple years is how you never had to develop a friendship with me, and it encourages me to do similar with younger guys. You did develop a friendship with me, and really the only way to account for that is that you honestly saw something inside of me that was beautiful and worth knowing. I Love you so much for that encouragement. I pray that God continues to shower his affection upon you and bless you in each of your daily endeavors. I also pray that God would give to you people who do for you what you have done for me.
Something that I have never told you: Knowing you has been such grace to me over the past couple years, and as it stands right now, I actually see a lot of myself inside you, and I mean that as a compliment to you.

People: Trevor Crown
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my longest-tenured disciple,
Trevor Crown.
Trevor, I first met you at some point your freshmen year and I, as all do, immediately took to you. We hung out a few times that year, but it was not until last year that I had the grace of being able to disciple you, whatever that means. Honestly, it has been so much grace to do so. You were my first ever 'successful' discipleship, insofar as those classifications can even exist, and your constant encouragement of me as been something that has kept me going these past two years. I honestly brag about you to everyone, constantly talking about how much of a stud you are. When we first starting meeting, you were vague Trevor, but after seeing the way that I Love you, you began to open up and be yourself around me, and seeing that has been incredible for me. You are someone whom I have seen grow firsthand the past two years and I am so thankful that God has had grace on me to permit me to be intimately involved in the process. You are still a long ways away, as am I, but you have taken leaps and bounds in your faith over the years. You are a man that I honestly trust so much because I know your good nature. You are good stock, Trevor Crown. What is crazy is that I feel like right now you are one of the people that I can be most open with and one of the people that I miss the most when you are gone. You have a way about you that people will always Love you, but much more rarely will people really know you. However, this post is not about what I have done for you, it is about what you have done for me, how you have impacted me, and it is most likely more than you know. Your insistent encouragement has allowed me to be myself and have confidence in who I am everyday. Getting to disciple you, it has been more grace for me than you understand, and God has taught me so much about how ok it is for me to fail and how much grace there is when it happens. You are not just my disciple, you are one of my closest friends whom I respect a lot. You do not conform to any particular mold, but you Love Christ, that is clear. It is weird because I have already told you all of this, but I only want to tell you again. There is so much that you have done for me, in the way that you have bragged about me and in both the subtle and deep ways that you have encouraged me. I have seen that you Love me and am thankful for what I do for you and as someone who has trouble feeling Loved from people, I appreciate that so much more than I could ever say. Many times, d time with you turns around my day or week. I am so grateful that I get to continue to grow with you and live life with you as God continues to take you where He wants you to go. I pray that God takes you where He wants you to go, and strips you of all of the things in you that are still resembling Trevor and not Jesus. I also pray that you have a greater desire for Him to do so.
Something that I have never told you: I always want to spend more time with you. I never feel that I get enough. Also, I am somewhat insecure about being a good discipler to you, but I continue to do what I have always done-Trust God knowing that I have nothing to offer you on my own.

People: Conner Cherland
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in.
I am not going to be able to say all that I want to about Conner Cherland.
Conner, I freaking Love you more than I could ever hope to say. You are a member of my family in the truest sense. I first met you when you were baptized and I really did not know you well, but ever since we became neighbors I have Loved every moment with you. You always opened up your home to me, no matter what and at what times. I have never had need to be insecure around you because you have assured me of my position with you. You were an integral part of the best summer of my life, living with me, having pillow talk. Additionally, you were here for thanksgiving, gently being with me, and allowing me to be myself while still sleeping with me and being open. You have shown more Love to me than so many others in allowing me to be myself around you. I have had the grace of being able to live life with you over the past two years, and those years have been such a comfort when I have needed them. You are someone whom I can tell about my day-to-day life, and if need be, just sit and cry with. I could never hope to give to you as much as you have given to me over the past two years. Even when writing this, I feel differently than I do when writing anything else. I have prayed so many hours for you because God has placed in my heart so much Love for you. I'm working now on Loving you independently of anything that you have done for me, but for now, I Love you so much for what you have done for me, for the way that you have treated me, for the relationship that we enjoy with each other, for the way that I feel as at home in your home as I do anywhere else, for the way that there is no awkwardness between us even when I have nothing to say, for the freedom from fear when I have plenty to say, for the ability to be vulnerable with you. I honestly prayed for a friend like you for many years to God, and He gave me the grace of a man named Conner (you!). I have no fear that I am not a good person when I am with you, no fear that my passions are not worth it, no fear that God is not transforming me, no fear that people's beliefs about me are not warranted, no fear of anything really. That is so rare and I am so incredibly thankful for you for the ability and freedom to be myself around you. I thank you so much that you have opened up your life, heart, and home to me over the past two years, and you are a friend and brother of mine for my life. Every moment that I have ever spent with you I have cherished and you are someone who truly knows how to Love me. Again, I could say so much more but I want to make this a readable length. I pray that God would give me the grace of hopefully giving back to you a modicum of all that you have been able to give me. I also pray that He continues to show you Himself, in greater and greater pieces.
Something that I have never told you (or perhaps just have not expressed properly): my only fear concerning you is that I have not been the type of friend that you have needed or warranted over the past two years. I always want to Love you more and one of the most pressing desires of my heart always is that God teaches and gives me the grace of showing me exactly how to Love you more.
I Love you.

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