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Sunday, March 31, 2013
People: Jonathan Flores
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about the most encouraging man that I know,
Jonathan Flores.
J-Flo, you are the most encouraging man that I have ever known, especially to me. I am not really sure exactly how we met, but I got to know you well my sophomore year, and you are a man of clout and one of the most upstanding men that I have had the privilege and the grace of knowing in my lifetime. You always had a smile on your face when you saw me and you were always genuinely interested in how I was doing and in the type of life that I was leading. You have been a blessing to know in my life in the way that you included me in so much and in the way that you were intentional in pursuing me. There is a subtle way that you Loved me, and in some way you still do. I know that you still do Love me in the important ways and that each of us are still on the minds of the other. Your words were beauty to my heart, J-Flo. The truth is that because I am encouraging in how I use my words, I have always needed the words that you have very intentionally picked out to restore my soul and reinforce me. Your words have been glory to my soul, in very important ways. There has always been so much beauty and grace and even forgiveness in our relationship. It is a fact that it is truly inspiring the way that you have been an influence in my life, always pointing me to the heart of Christ. You are and have been an arrow, J-Flo, directing me right towards the heart of Christ. I have needed that as I have poured myself out to the community of IV. Additionally, the way that you have a heart for prayer has inspired me and shown me the necessity thereof. Ultimately, J-Flo you are a man after God's own heart and simply the way that you live has encouraged me to be a better person. I pray that God continues to pour into you and transform you so that you look more like Him. I also pray that He leads you to the cross and allows others to be transformed through His presence in your life.
Something that I have never told you: You were always an inspiration to me J-Flo, and you were one of the hardest people for me to see leave SB.

People: Ben Huang
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my dear asian friend
, Ben Huang.
Ben, I cannot begin to say enough about you, my friend. I met you last year and you have shown me what Love is. From tea time to freebirds, you have given me an example of what Love is. During tea time, your willingness to be silly and yet clearly vulnerable and open at the same time was incredibly endearing. You have bought me dinner when I have had no money so many times. You have been willing to just sit with me through whatever, and something that I think that you do better than anybody else is rejoicing with those who rejoice and mourning with those who mourn. You have done so on many occasions withe me, and I know that that is clearly indicative of your character. You often are silly and ignorant of our culture, but through that I have seen your willingness to sacrifice for the kingdom of God, and so much so I have seen in you a heart that is so thankful and grateful for your resources that you consider them God's and not your own. You have been such a good friend to me in so many ways, and have been a gigantic blessing to me in the process. You have met me where I am at and have been willing to pursue me and do what I enjoy in addition to what you enjoy. We have had many long conversations over freebirds and other dinners and I consider you a brother on a very deep level. It's kind of crazy the relationship that God has given me the grace of sharing with you. You are of the highest character, Ben, and I really mean that. There have been times where I have been overwhelmed by people and with this life and have turned to you, and you in turn have been an example of how Jesus would treat me in just such a situation. I cherish every mean and every opportunity that I get to share with you, and anybody who has spent or who spends any time with you will only verify your character. There is just such a grace in knowing you, Ben, the ilk of which I do not often experience with many other people. One of my favorite memories was hanging out with you this past Christmas break in LA in a time when I greatly missed SB people, you showed me Love by driving to me and meeting me where I was at and hanging out with me. Ultimately, your faithfulness and my ability confide in you have been enormous blessings throughout these past couple years, and even just nerding out with you about comics and such, that has been grace to me. I pray that God continues to give me the grace of knowing you and being intimate friends with you like I have had the grace of being these past two years. I pray also that God continues to grow you in new, vibrant ways, and turns you into the leader that I see in you.
Something that I have never told you: I felt somewhat heartbroken when you told me that you did not feel pursued except by Bryce for a good portion of last year, especially because I see the way that you pursue people now. Also, I do not feel that people treat you as you deserve for who you are and what you have done.

Saturday, March 30, 2013
People: Daniel Santos
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about one of the loudest,
sassiest men I know, Daniel Santos.
Daniel, where do I even begin. I think that I first met you through community team when you would mix up Melton and me. You have played such a big part in my life ever since, in oh so many ways. You are someone who has been a rock for me, always at Real Life events, at summer project, during breaks, you were just a man who was around, like me. Our relationship has grown out of that, but we have still pursued each other. I can say that I do not think anyone other than your closest friends understand you quite like I do. The simple fact is that you Love people, you do, so much more so than most. I think that what is so interesting is that you do not conform your love to fit a particular mold, even if there is pressure on you to do so, you continue to Love in a way that only you can. You have given me so many rides throughout these past few years, never complaining in the least. You have always been someone who has encouraged me, even if it is through being sassy; yes, that is and has been encouraging. You are someone that I have felt like I have honestly gorwn with throughout the years. I had the grace of discipling you for a month on summer project, and so often you say exactly what I am thinking. You always speak unashamedly, not caring what most people think of you, speaking your mind at all times. That is a trait that I wish that I could boast but simply do not have. You always have such Loving hings to say to me, and others, they just do not know it. Even last year, always just coming over to your place as a spot of refuge and refreshing, sometimes that meant playing call of duty, sometimes that meant talking about deep stuff, sometimes that meant going to taco bell. Of course, I cannot talk about the impact that you have had on me without recourse to Tea Time. That once a week multi-hour splurge of silliness is exactly what I needed throughout spring quarter last year, and it set a precedent of brotherhood for me. Really Daniel, your longevity and the way that you have stuck around has meant more to me than I could ever say and even as I write this it helps me to realize how much I really do Love you a lot. There are so many times looking back that I am so glad that I could be a part of certain aspects of your life and am so glad that you have been a part of aspects of mine. Having you as a summer project roommate was incredibly helpful in the way that you encouraged me and pushed me in looking for a job, in getting around with a hobbled ankle, and even in so many shared experiences (Caryn!!!!). I think back on that summer and feel Loved, I think on sophomore year and feel Loved, I think on last year and feel Loved, I think on this year and feel Loved. Ultimately, Daniel it is your longevity and willingness to stick around and be a force in my life for so long that has impacted me in more ways that many. I pray that God continues to give you a passion for med school and grants you the grace of continual good friendships. I pray that he continues to lead you to people that you can disciple in ways that you do not even realize, and continues to give you a heart for men younger than yourself.
Something that I have never told you: I have the utmost respect for you in the way that you have lead a bible study and community team this year when you have no real obligation to. Your continual desire to pour out has been a shinning light in this community, and it will continue to shine no matter where you go for the impact that you have made on so many.

People: Jade Molde
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about the man with the compassionate
face, Jade Molde.
Jade, I met you kind of late, not until my second quarter of my sophomore year, and unfortunately I only had the grace of getting to go to school with you for that one quarter that I knew you for. I am so blessed to have been able to spend time with you in that regard though. There is such a compassion in your face. There's just something about you that people are drawn to your quiet, strong spirit. I met you at a prayer and worship night one Monday night, and I still remember how much knowing you meant for that quarter. I remember going to the first prayer for reality SB with J-Flo and seeing you there and it was your last night in SB and I was so excited to get to spend time with you before you left. You have this way about you, Jade that is so lovable and you showed me Love. Even though I was just some sophomore dude, and you were a senior leaving after that quarter, we still hung out and you still showed Love and interest in my life whenever you saw me, without any obligation to do so. That is one of the greatest things, Loving without the obligation to do so. You are a man of candor that I truly respect and look up to, and even aspire in some sense to be like. Even as we have lived far from each other now, when I do get the grace of seeing you every so often when you come to SB, it is always a treat. Also, it is exciting to see how God has blessed your occupation. Another thing that always stuck out to me about you, was how you had this gentle way of actually caring about me. There is something beautiful in seeing people who actually care about me, as a person, just because I exist. That was true for you in this quiet, subtle way. Anyway, Jade I think you are a heck of a man, and I appreciate for how you pursued me even in the short time that we knew each other at school. I pray that God's hand is with you wherever you go, and that you, no matter what seek His face always. I do not really feel like I have to worry about you because your faith was always strong.
Something that I have never told you: I actually recognized you several times around IV before we met and I knew that you were in Real Life, I just did not have the gall to introduce myself without being introduced. I wish I would have.

Friday, March 29, 2013
People: Kenny Abrahamian
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a true country boy, Kenny Abrahamian.
Kenny, I first met you at caje my freshmen year, but I did not really have the grace of getting to know you until my sophomore year. And I am not exaggerating when I say that knowing you has been grace. You have told me so many pieces of advice, so much that still sticks with me today. You were an advocate of the movement of Real Life and were always there to encourage me through the difficult times when they appeared. You showed me much that year to help shape the way I felt about my life and my purpose, and I still remember when we shared testimonies with each other and how much we have offered to each other then and ever since. I learned what humility looks like from you, evidenced by the way that you still help out with Real Life insofar as you have the ability to, cooking at men's retreat the past two years. You have always used the gifts and blessings that God has given you to serve Him, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. I never thought that you got enough credit for what you did; you worked so hard and did so much throughout your four years and even after. You always made sure to encourage me in whatever I have been doing and no matter the frequency that you see me, you always honestly care about how I am doing. That shows so much integrity to me, and that is one thing that I think really defines you-integrity. You have a character that does not seek its own glory, but strives for God and others' glory. Ultimately Kenny you have showed me a lot and taught me tons, sometimes with words, sometimes just by letting the character of Christ shine on through you. I pray that God continues to give you passions and leads you to where he wants you. I also pray that He gives you a woman whose heart is toward Him.
Something that I have never told you: There was one time last year when you were driving me to a party after Real Life and I voiced some frustrations to you and you not only encouraged me but bought me In-n-out on the way. That's one example of how you simultaneously Love and teach me.

People: Chris Ward
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about one of my very
best friends, Chris Ward.
Chris, I Love you so much. Let me preface this by saying that there is no way that I could say as much as I would like to say in this space. You have Loved me too much these past few years. I first met you at the beginning of my sophomore year to much hype via Nick Brown. You have lived up to it. You have always been this loud, kind of goofy guy who is at the same time a great communicator, but it is also the case that you Love Jesus so very very much. What you do so well is that you rejoice when I rejoice and mourn when I mourn, always pointing me back to joy in the proper time. You seek to serve Him at all times, and that is not to be underscored. You do not always do it perfectly, but none of us do. You have always showed Love to me. Sophomore year when he hung out and shared testimonies, and even all of the hang outs besides that. Last year though was when we got really close. Having you around was so good for me. You made sure to always be pursuing me, and even now you are one of the people who pursues me where I am at, and I do not feel like I always need to pour into you, which is a nice change; we pour into each other. We are people who have always poured into each other, and our relationship is nothing short of beautiful. You have not been too afraid or too timid to call me our when it is necessary and/or beneficial. You seek my good, that is what God does as well. You were an integral part of the best summer I have ever had, living with me in such a way that I felt Loved. We have ridiculous food experiments that I would not trade for anything. Despite all of the people that you have met and all of the people that love you across these four years, you and I share a very special bond, and that Grace has been true for a very long time I always feel like you honestly care about how I am actually doing, and that is because you honestly care about how I am actually doing. I have never had to wonder if you Love me or where I stand with you because in addition to everything else, you are encouraging as well, reminding me not only of what I mean to you, but pointing back to the relationship that we share in the process. I am being totally honest when I say I have the utmost respect for you, regardless of what anyone says, I am set on Loving and pursuing you for all my days. We have enjoyed being tall together, seeing midnight superhero movies together, rejoiced in mutual people who have affected our lives, and I consider you a part of my family. I pray that God continues to knit us closer together, as crazy as that seems, and I pray that God gives me the grace of pointing you toward Him and much as you have done for me.
Something that I have never told you: Near the end of fall quarter my sophomore year Jordan was being really inconsistent in when we met for discipleship and I had to call him out on it. He corrected it, but going in I started thinking about whom else I would want as a discipler. You were the only name in my head.

Thursday, March 28, 2013
People: Tyler Moore
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a
shy guy, Tyler Moore.
Tyler, I first met you at sophomore retreat a few years ago. At the time, you were just a dude in Ian's bible study that he invited, but ever since you have been so much more than that to me. There is just something special about our friendship that I cannot really describe. Your quiet demeanor opens up the door so well to let other people in. That is an amazing aspect of you that not many other people have so readily. You have always been there to talk with me and to humbly serve those around you, only ever offering up a complaint about your school load, and I do not blame you for that. You are such a man in the way that you are humble and in the way that you Love other people, understanding that that might mean that it is at an expense of yourself. Additionally, I can see a heart for God in you, a heart that seeks to make Him known above all else. You have been there for me through several experiences, with your quiet, gentle, soft heart being wide open for me to confide in and be honest with. You have always been willing to play basketball with me no matter the time of night, and even if that is just an excuse for me to hang out with you, and no matter how much you have to do, you just come and allow me to be me. You're not a perfect person, and you understand that, and that is one of the beautiful things about you. Although I do not often hear you vocalize your imperfection, I see you own up to where you are weak, and you are more than willing to ask for help, a sign of leadership. I have always felt that God is going to turn you into a great leader one day, not that you are not one already, but I trust that God will give you more of a role in the forefront because you have spent so much time being humble behind the scenes. You play basketball like you live, doing all of the dirty work so that other people can enjoy themselves and the fruit of your life more than even you can. You are a special man, Tyler. I pray that God continues to grow you in areas where you are weak, and teaches you that you have such beautiful things to offer.
Something that I have never told you: I think that you do have such beautiful things to offer, and other people would Love to see that. I think you should get out and put yourself out there to people more, insofar as God permits you to. People do not really know the real Tyler like I do and I really want them to.

People: Andrew Fuller
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about the most
humble man that I have ever known, Andrew Fuller.
Fuller, I was first introduced to you by Nick Brown when you were subletting from him a few years back. You were just Nick's subletter back then, but I am so glad that that is not all you were. God has given me such grace in that I have been able to get to know you and your beautiful character over the past few years. You are the most humble person that I think I have ever known. That comes out not just in your actions, serving in areas you do not have to and in surrender using the blessings that God has given you to Love others, but also in the way that you talk with me, always an assurance that you care about me as a person, not because you have to but because you simply Love me. I do not see that very often, and that impacted me so much. You have this quiet sentiment about you that is so admirable, the way that you refuse to conform to patterns that you know are wrong, but sick strictly to Jesus. You have blessed so many with just your personality and the way that you honestly Love people. It was not as if you were always pursuing me, but you did not have to; you were there for me when I needed someone like you, and I am so very thankful for that. People will always lean on you because of your personality, but because of the quality of character that you have, I know that you are not adverse to that, simply putting others before yourself, a picture of Christlike attitude. Fuller, I do not have a bad thing to say about you, I honestly would not be able to think of anything. You are just a stand up man who it is clear that God has transformed. That character has been so refreshing and so loving to so many, me included. The way you selflessly drive people, let people use your truck, the way you have cooked and cleaned at men's retreat the past two years, the way you played the drums in Real Life so often, those are all images of humility. I have never ever heard you complain about anything, and that is astounding considering how much you do. I Love you man, and I just hope that God continues to cross our paths over and over. I pray that God continues to lead you to people who need you, and gives you a woman who can help you in the way you deserve. I also pray that He continues to transform your character even more so.
Something that I have never told you: I was so incredibly thankful for the way you drove me to Jordan's bachelor party AND wedding. I did not have much money at the time, and you did not ask for any. Thank you so much Fuller. I have always had such great times in your car.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
People: Matt Butin
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. Next up is one of the most Loving
men I know, Matt Butin.
Matt, you are one heck of a man. I am not sure exactly how I met you, but I still remember when we first hung out at the end of the first quarter of my sophomore year. The absolutely amazing thing about you, Matt, is how you make each person feel as though they are uniquely Loved and cared for, because they are by you. I never had any doubt that you Loved me, again, obligation-less Love. There is something so beautiful about even the notion, and you dulled out so much of it to me and so many others. I remember your name was brought up in my bible study last year, and Jake and I just talked about how we love you. There's just something about you, Matt, that I have always felt Loved when I am with you, even though there are many other people that it would make so much more sense for you to hang out with and even though I really have nothing to offer beyond what God has given me. You were an integral part of one of the best summers of my life, and even this year you have continued to show Love to me, even as we are in different places in life. That is one of the things that stick out to me most when I think of you: Love, personified. You are open about your struggles and how they change you, and it was exceptionally encouraging knowing you as a philosophy major. The simplicity of our hangouts made is so easy to just get into your life, and you always undoubtedly wanted to get into mine, whether through cats cookies, being open, making muffins with me, or just going for a walk and talking this year. Nobody has anything but good things to say about you, Matt, and though we are but friends, I am very thankful that I have had the grace of knowing a man that I have every reason to look up to and respect so much. You always pointed me to Christ and it has always been so evident the way that you care for me, even praying for me whenever I have needed it, and providing for me, at times, much needed advice and hugs. Ultimately, Matt I am very very thankful for all that you have done for me and all of the ways that you have showed me, more than just told me, that you Love me. I pray that God blesses whatever you have with Allison, that He continues to lead you in Holiness and right standing. I pray also that no matter what changes God takes you through, He continues to bless people with the grace of knowing you. Something that I have never told you: When you came and visited me and the others at SMSP it was when I really needed to see people from Santa Barbara. Your presence has always been so calming, and whenever I have doubted what I mean to you, you are quick to remind me in your own ways. I am so thankful for that.

People: Jordan Kassel
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about my favorite Kentuckyan:
Jordan Kassel.
Jordan, I first met you when I got back to school sophomore year when David said "Let me introduce you to my friend Jordan." You were such a good friend to me, in every sense of the word. You showed immense Love to me in the ilk of Jesus by pursuing me where I was at. You did not ask me to come to you, you came, seeing my desire to learn to bake, and was prompt to teach me how to do so. Of all the people in Santa Barbara, you chose to hang out with me frequently and pursue me in a time when I really needed it. You fulfilled a unique void in my life at the time, and I felt so comfortable coming to you with anything; your openness spurred me on to be more open. You were one of the big reasons why I decided to go on SMSP, because the one person that I had met from SMSP was so very Loving. You were not only open with me about how you were doing, what was going on with you, but about your past and your parents' history and about your future plans. You came back and visited near the end of sophomore year and you Loved me all the same. You were with me, wanting to hear updates about my life and we just hung out, as brothers, so often the first and second times you were here. I can say that i probably took more out of our friendship than I was able to give, but I am so incredibly thankful that God has given me the grace of knowing you and of having you be one of the people that have impacted me so intentionally in my time in SB. Perhaps the most Loving thing you ever did toward me was always offered your house. When I told you about my situation during breaks, you were quick to offer up your house, halfway across the country to me. Dude, that's crazy Jesus'like, and I will never forget that type of palpable Love. I pray that God continues to show you where He wants you and gives you a woman that is worthy of your Love. I pray also that God gives me th grace of being able to continue a friendship with you.
Something that I have never told you: At the time that I met you I had been really hurt by someone that I thought was a really good friend of mine and turned out not being so. You showing so much Love to me and taking on that role was so important in helping me to move on. When I think back on all we did together and all the ways that you pursued me over the years, I'm kind of amazed and just really thankful for you, Jordan. Also, I regret never going to visit you in Kentucky and I hope that God still gives me the grace to be able to sometime.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
People: Michael Hiney
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man bigger than all others,
Michael Hiney.
Hiney, I Love you so much. I first met you a few years ago now, and you stuck out, as I'm sure you do to most people, because of your size. I did not really get the grace of spending a lot of time with you my freshmen year, however leading a bible study the next year drove us together and set a precedent in my mind for how bible study leaders are supposed to Love each other. You encouraged me more than perhaps any other single person, ever, always being open and encouraging me in the little ways. You taught me so much as a bible study leader, with your consistency and devotion to our study that was never ever wavering. Those lessons, unspoken and spoken, have lasted through today and has allowed me to teach others that have less experience in leading a study. Your faith was is incredible and you played such an integral role in transforming me from a boy into a man. You pursued me, having dinner with me, and always being willing to just hang out and share laughs and lives together. I felt totally free to share anything with you that year and it was such an incredible relationship that bled over into our bible study. I will always Love you, Hiney, you have been like a big brother to me. You have a disposition and personality to match your size, always looking to not take life too seriously. You showed me what it was to walk passionately and yet confidently with Jesus, teaching me so many important lessons in the process. The ironic thing is that you have continued to teach me about what life after college looks like even as we are apart, in gentle ways. You also taught me a lot about what it is to be physically large and still gentle. Our relationship was and has been beautiful ever since, and I treasure every single moment that I get to spend with you. I pray that God continues to bless your relationship with Angelica and lead you in your life. I also pray that God continues to teach you as much as you have taught me.
Something that I have never told you: I was actually pretty intimidated to learn that I was leading a bible study with you those years ago. Your faith and wisdom I leaned on so heavily, more so than you probably realize and I am extremely thankful and would not have rather lead with anybody else this year.

People: Will Hori
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a loveable, goofy Asian man,
Will Hori.
Will, before entering college I would say that you were one of the top 5 most Loving people that i have ever met. That is still just as true now. The reality is that you know how to Love me and you actively do it. Not only did you always give me rides, not only when we hang out, but in high school you would give me rides home so often, but you also have paid for every single meal I have ever eaten with you. Those things have had a deep, lasting impact on me. When you ask about my life, it is not just to ask; you honestly want to know how I am doing and how I feel/think about things. There has never been any doubt of that in my mind. You are goofy in your own right, never taking life more seriously than you ought to, but you also have a deep maturity that speaks for itself. The truth is that you just Love God so much and have continually pointed me to Him, not just in the way that you Love me, which has itself been a way to point me to Christ, but in how you encourage me, challenge me, tell me your opinions, and so much more. I still remember first talking about weekly basketball with you, going to your house on Monday's for a bible study that you were not obligated to give, you just wanted us to know the Bible and how to read it better. That's the thing about you, Will, not only are you one of the most humble people I know, but you just care about me, plain and simple. You care so much more about the well-being of others, often at a detriment to yourself, and that is a picture of Jesus for me. I can honestly say that in the course of our friendship that I have taken more from you than I have given, but because of your character you continued to Love me in every way, never expecting to get anything back from me, but I'm sure rejoicing when you did. I pray that God grants me the grace of knowing you well for as long as I am. I pray also that God blesses you and continues to lead you in all of the ways that His Spirit knows how to.
Something that I have never told you: When I first got to know you, I actually did not think that you were Loving. You quickly dissproved that to me and I have never thought in that direction since.

Monday, March 25, 2013
People: Andrew Melton
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man whom I know so well,
Andrew Melton.
Andrew, I first met you freshmen year at an ultimate Frisbee outreach. We became friends, and our friendship has continued to grow ever since. You are one of the few people that I think that I have needed more than you have needed me. You have showed so much Love to me in the way that you have always been willing to give me rides and include me in everything without thinking twice or blinking. Ever since sophomore year we just clicked and became incredibly close. I am very thankful for that, and for the closeness that we have experienced ever since. You were a part of two of the best summers that I have ever had and I am honestly, as I type this, amazed at the way that you have always showed Love to me. I remember how much I used to go to your house the past two years and how that was an example of Love between us. You in your own way, just be being you helped me to be more secure in who I was because of your availability and the way that I never needed to assess if you Loved me; the way that you felt about me was so obvious. You are a man of responsibility and candor that I respect so dang much. It's kind of crazy the relationship that we have shared with each other throughout college, and I have no doubt that our friendship is eternal. I feel so comfortable when I am with you and when I am around you, and there are days that I have had where I have wanted nothing more than to hang out with you. At times of great stress you were there to just do nothing and play call of duty with me. It is so beautiful, the friendship we have shared and the grace that we have each shared with each other therein. From being always mistaken for each other, to summer project, to the stress that you had from school last year, to both applying for summer project this past summer, to living together and seeing you everyday, I have enjoyed every single moment that I have been with you. We have needed to call each other out at times, but we have always showed each other so much grace that covers that. I Love you more than I could hope to write, Melty. I pray that God continues to grow you as you seek Him. I pray that you never stop pursuing Him and remaining humble even as He grows you into a man who is righteous and Loving. And I also pray that He would bring you a woman that you deserve, that reflects the Love that He has for you.
Something that I have never told you: I have always looked up to you, but at times in the past I was very jealous as I thought of you as just a better, more complete person than I was. Now, God has given me the grace of just being able to Love you as a brother. You have done so much for me in my life and I just hope that God gives me the grace of being able to give back to you even a tiny smidgen of all of what you have done for me. I just cannot say enough about how much I Love you and how much I utterly value our friendship.

People: Ian Charbonnet
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a man who loves
his music, Ian Charbonnet.
Ian, our friendship goes all the way back to fall quarter of freshmen year and you have always been someone who I have been friends with ever since then. You are probably the only person I know who has a heart for worship comparable to mine. There are multiple times I remember it just being us two, worshiping together, be it in the prayer shed, at the steps of the beach, or wherever. Not only that, but freshmen year you seemed to be committed to me meeting other people and getting introduced and connected with people. I have never forgotten that and the way that you did not allow me to sit by myself at a real life meeting in the back, the way that I always wanted to. We are not as close now as then, but I have always looked up to you in one fashion or another, and I believe that our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other extremely well. Additionally, you have blessed the movement of RL so much in our four years here in ways that I don't fully know and nobody fully sees. You have been grace and a refuge (no pun intended) to so many throughout so much, whether it be through your worship, or getting people connected in various ways. I see such a heart of praise within you, and a heart of encouragement, something most people do not give you credit for. Well, here's credit where credit is due. Despite everything you have always been someone that I have been able to talk with and be open with, and even who has been able to understand my philosophically-oriented mind. You were actually huge, though you do not know it, in getting me to start going to church after freshmen year. You've also introduced me to a lot of worship songs that I really appreciate now. There has and will continue to be a whole lot of Love in our relationship, as evidenced by our facebook 'friendship'. I pray that God continues to grow your heart for Him and for Worship, true worship, and continues to help you understand what that means and looks like. I also pray that God brings by a woman for you and sticks out how special she is in your mind.
Something that I have never told you: I think your genuine in person, very much so, but sometimes when speaking in front of people you have a tendency to come off as fake or rehearsed. Again, I know you in person and have seen who you really are so take that for what you will.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
People: Bryce Soltes
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a silly nerd, like myself,
Bryce Soltes.
Bryce, I first met you at IVC actually, Jordan introduced me to you and you had a popped blood vessel in your eye. Here you were this guy a year older than me; little did I know that I would have more classes with you than with anybody else. We sat in many lectures and study sessions together, and outside of Nick and Jordan you were the first upperclassmen to pursue me. We were silly together, we were nerdy together; nobody else even approached my level of nerdiness. Throughout it all, you Loved me, and this was clear. I can think back to so many little instances that proved your Love for me. Whether it was driving me somewhere (like the avengers' midnight premiere), buying me freebirds after a study session, sitting in Wilkins' class, passing the book back and forth, introducing me to so many other people, like PK and Zac Hamstra, being there for many when girls said 'no', and always opening up your home and heart to me. You were one of the first people I ever shared my faith with, and I remember last year how bummed I was not to be in your bible study. You have always showed me so much Love in so many different ways, it was never something that I doubted, and I think that you are one of the few people who had a heart like I did for real life in your time here. I remember when you took a picture of me during paparazzi my freshmen year, and believe it or not, that really did a lot for helping me feel accepted and like I mattered. You also gave me so much wisdom and guidance through it all, being a beacon of maturity in a community that really needed you more than you needed it. The more I type and think of it, the more I am able to recall even more of the little moments, or even just you being silly and how that was an encouragement for me to be silly. Really, I have nothing negative at all to say about you, Bryce, and you have pursued me for so long even through a constantly shifting and maturing relationship. I pray that God continues to use you in the time that you are oversees, and gives you direction as you return. I also pray that you continue to fall more deeply in Love with Him, and that He continues to give others the same grace in knowing you that I had.
Something that I have never told you: I always felt that the reason you needed to study so much was that you always played iphone games in class. But it always gave me entertainment and ultimately you graduated.

People: Nick Brown
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about
Nick Brown.
Nick, I first met you at the beginning of my freshmen year, coming to my door to see if I wanted to come to bible study. You did not know it at the time, but your pursuit of me did wonders for changing my perception of Christians and who they were. You showed Love to me in the way that you used your resources to bless me, even long after you had obligation to do so. You would always give me a ride wherever I needed to go, and that did not fail to impact me. You always had me over and your apartment became for me a place of refuge for two years. We got into each other's lives, challenging each other, be it ever so gently. You were quick to cook dinner for me, something not many people have done, and there were times when I needed that more than ever. There were times where we just laughed together over nothing, and even my junior year, as our target areas grew distant from each other, each of us still made time for the other. You made a disciple out of me in how you took me under your retreat-planning wing, showing me all of what it takes and now I have been able to pass that on to younger guys, your presence still being felt in IV. Even my freshmen year, when I was flaky and inconsistent, you continued to invite me to things and challenge me in the ways that only you could and that did so much for me. I Love you, Nick because of the way that our friendship was long-lasting, even culminating at Jordan's wedding where you showed Love to me. I always had a special place in my heart for you for what you did for me freshmen year at a time when I needed it so much, but also for what you continued to do in and for me. Our relationship did not always look the same, but I have very much missed your presence in my life, Nick. My prayer for you is that God teaches, or continues to teach if He has been, you the beauty and importance of His word and grows you closer to Him, drawing you into His presence while you are in Egypt, teaching you to treat Him as He deserves, as God. I also pray that you would care about God above and beyond everything else in this life.
Something that I have never told you: I think that you did not get accepted to Stint because you did not have an active time in God's word at the time. It obviously all worked out for the best though.

Saturday, March 23, 2013
People: David Salazar
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post goes to one of my favorite
Salvadorians-David Salazar.
David, you were one of my best friends freshmen year and I am very thankful that we have remained close ever since. I first met you at a pancake outreach in Anacapa and at the time I assumed you were going to be like so many other of my friends. A few days later we were facebook chatting and you said, "Cody, I want to know what God is doing in your life." At the time, that was exactly what I needed to hear. I was an insecure freshmen who did not like Christians and you gave me permission to get to know you and get into your life. That was unprecedented in my life and it sparked a beautiful friendship. We walked together, we prayed together, and you Loved me; as an equal, as a peer, you Loved me, and that was so rare for me in my life at the time. Ever since then we have continued to grow together, often challenging each other but always walking with each other. We have often been sassy with each other, and have lived somewhat different lives, but God has given me a lot of grace in being able to share with each other deep, challenging parts of our lives with each other. Our relationship with each other has been a beautiful example of what a healthy Christian relationship looks like: it is something that has given me so much joy and brought me a lot of comfort, occasionally our sins have gotten in the way, but we are quick to bring it up and settle it together. I think that the work that you do in and for Destino has been a bigger blessing to this campus and to IV than most people have realized. God has taken you through the ringer these past four years but you have continued to pursue Him and allowed Him to work through you in the important, transformative ways. David, I Love you very much and you have been a blessing to me and I cherish our relationship and the way you point me to Christ very much. You have taught me how to be more open with myself towards people and the importance of opening up to guys, and appropriately to girls. I pray that God continues to strip you of the indecent parts of you and push you towards Him. I also pray that God grants you the grace of beautiful friendships and a desire for community.
Something that I have never told you (or perhaps haven't): I used to have bitterness toward you at the start of our sophomore year because I assumed that our friendship would have been what it was our freshmen year, and it simply was not. God helped me to realize that that was not at all because of me, but because of things in both of our lives, and now I Love you so much and I am so thankful that God gave me the grace of forgiving you.
I Love you buddy, and look forward to our continuing beautiful friendship.

People: Jordan Marshall
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This post is about a
Loving man, Jordan Marshall.
Jordan, you were the first person ever in my life outside of my family to show me a glimpse of what unconditional Love looks like. This entire post will be an explication of that. I met you freshmen year, a goofy, blond-haired kid with a lip ring as you came to my door to follow up on a survey card that I did without thinking twice. Never would I have imagined on that day that I would be meeting one of my best friends. For four years you have tirelessly poured your life into me, never ceasing to pursue me no matter what, and leaving room for me to blatantly open and honest with you. Jordan, I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that nobody has ever or perhaps will ever pursue me in the way that you have for as long as you have. No matter how much I messed up, how far I fell, how guilty I felt, how insecure, how afraid, there was never any doubt in my mind that you would still Love me and accept me and, in a true picture of what unconditional Love practically and positionally actually is, think no differently of me because of it. For years, the best hour of my week every week was spending discipleship with you, where you always made room for me to be open. I can say with honesty and full certainty that I Love God, my God, my Jesus, so much more because I have known you. You were the first person to ever just tell me plainly and neatly what the Gospel is. If I did not do my homework, if I was tired, you still Loved me and pushed me, and challenged me. It was one of my greatest honors to be in your wedding this past year and it is so sweet to see how God has blessed you with one amazing woman. Jordan, there has never been anything that I for any reason have been afraid to tell you, and you might be the only person that I can say that for. You have given me the most quality advice over the past four years and I value your opinion over that of anybody else's, truly. To me at least, you have represented more of what Jesus is, with your steady, never-flinching pursuit of me, the subtle way that you have always pointed me back to Him, the grace that you have always showed me, the ways that you have allowed me to grow and have known exactly what I have needed in any and every situation, than anybody else has or possibly could.
I pray that God never takes His hand from you, Jordan, from your marriage and your aspirations, as I know that they are from Him. And I pray that God always grants me the grace of having you in my life.
Something that I have never told you: I have learned a lot from your leadership style, and we had a super hard conversation freshmen year in which you called me out on a lot of things and although I did not like it at the time, I am so thankful that you told me the things that needed to be said.
There is so much more I could say, Jordan, but I want to make this a reasonable length. I Love you forever.

Thursday, March 21, 2013
People: Michael McSpadden
I'm a senior, my last quarter in college. There are a lot of people who have made a major impact in my life over the past four years and I want to make sure that I tell them how much I Love them. This space is for that, to tell people what I really think, how much I really Love them, while holding nothing back. I'm going to try and do two a day this quarter, making sure to get at least 100 people in. This begins where it need begin, with Michael McSpadden.
You were really my first friend at UCSB. You taught me that it was ok who I am, that I needn't change to be loved. We got along so well, and even now I have a special type of warm feeling when I think of you and think of all of the times that we have had together. Everything from our theft of 'wet floor' signs, our getting in trouble for playing chess in class, our prompt 'dinner at 5', and of course the Brusutti plagiarism scandal, I loved it all. Here was this strange guy from a city named Paradise, and our friendship took off. You defended me and I defended you. I still regret not just abandoning it all and moving into your sister's old place with you after freshmen year. I still wish that we would have lived together every other year because despite whomever else might ever be my roommate, I will always introduce you as my roommate. You set the standard for what a roommate should be in my mind, and it is only fitting that we had the hangout room for much of freshmen year, as people got a glimpse into what the relationship between you and I was like. You accepted me for all of my failures and idiosyncrasies, and I, you. No matter hoe much or how little we talk, and no matter what paths our lives take, I will always think of you as one of my closest friends. The simple fact of the matter is that I can tolerate being around you so much more than most and that I can forgive you much more easily than I can anybody else. Every time I think of you or see you I just get a huge smile on my face because you bring me so much joy. You are going to be famous one day for sure as you are so ambitious and auspicious and I know that you are destined for greatness. I truly hope that someday soon we will be able to live in the same room again, waking up to the sight of each other. You are silly, and busy, and hard to get a hold of at times, and I Love you so much for who you are, faults and all. You have made such an impact in my life, and I will not forget it.
I pray that God continues to bless your endeavors, based if on nothing else, then on how much you have blessed me, and that you give Him a chance.
Something I've never told you: I was very insecure coming into college, and pretty down on myself. Having a roommate that so readily accepted me was huge in helping me come out of my shell and have a healthy social life.
Well, Michael there is so much more that I could say about you, but just know that I Love you, that I always will, and that you mean so much more to me than almost all other people.

Sunday, March 10, 2013
7 Days of Baking: Day 4-Cinnamon Roll Cupcakes
I've been inconsistent. I apologize. '7 days of baking' has turned into a quarter's worth. Thus, thank you for your patience, reader.
This entry is on cinnamon roll cupcakes. I've has the pleasure of making these a couple of times now. Cinnamon rolls are fairly tedious to make, what with the rolling, the rising, rinsing, and repeating. However, they are delicious. Because of this, I have taken to making cinnamon roll-flavored items, like cake, cupcakes, etc. These are those cupcakes, and they are as good as they sound. The recipe can be found over at bakingdom. This recipe is in several parts: the cinnamon swirl, the batter, the coffee icing, and the cream cheese frosting. Because of this, I have always left out the coffee icing. I'm not a huge fan of coffee flavored things, although the taste has been growing on me, so I have always left it out. The rest of the recipe is absolutely amazing though and topped with cream cheese frosting, which is divine, these are wonderful. The nice thing about these cupcakes is they do not have to turn out perfectly to be delicious; my batter was super thick and I nearly ran out low on the cinnamon swirl because I doubled the recipe. These turn out great no matter what though and people love the taste of cinnamon rolls. The cinnamon swirl is delicious and I could literally eat it out of the bowl until I get fat forever. Again, I've never tried this recipe with the coffee icing, so I cannot comment on that, but I really do not have any qualms with this recipe otherwise. I give it literally 5 out of 5 cupcakes.

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