Emptiness hit IV this weekend. EMPTINESS. It was a near ghost town. There was actually an echo in Isla Vista, an event so strange. It was nice everyone leaving me, giving me time to reconsider all that I have to be thankful for. However, emptiness was not the only thing to hit IV this weekend. Nakedness did as well. As uncanny as that sounds, I did experience two girls at the IV Co-op, DeShane, simply walk around their apartment, naked. That's naked as in no clothing. You may not think that is anything crazy and you may even be asking yourself what I was doing in their house. Let me explain, it was co-ed. There were other guys there and these two collegiate girls simply did not mind as they galabanted around stark naked. I know people who would have killed to be in that situation. I did not find that, but my mind found it very strange that I was seeing naked people. I almost never see naked bodies except my own and more than anything I just experienced shock. It was just such an event that I am not used to, people being so free with their bodies. It was interesting from an aesthetic point for that reason as well. All in all, it was not a typical saturday night to say the least.
Despite all of that there was a bigger, grander lessen that I learned this weekend. While IV was experiencing all of its loneliness and nakedness God was giving me more confidence and reminding me that He is sovereign. The word itself has striking meaning: having supreme rank, power, or authority.
supreme; preeminent; indisputable: a sovereign right.
greatest in degree; utmost or extreme.
being above all others in character, importance, excellence, etc. I think that I like the last one best, but all of them speak to God's character. He has perfect control over my life for this reason, because God is so sovereign. He always reminds me how much bigger and more powerful He is than my petty problems are worries. That is all that I live on, that is the gospel. This truth is what keeps me going and what gives me peace in a time when I have none, or at least should have none. He always gives me ample reason to give plenty, even when I have nothing.
IV peep(s) of the week: See above.
Restaurant of the week: Ming's Dynasty. Chinese/Mongolian buffet. Too pricy to be consistent, but cannot deny how good it is. Plus I love buffets.
Treats of the week: Chocolate cupcakes with a peppermint buttercream frosting that actually turned out well!
~Good Luck and Good Eats