This was not exactly an ordinary week for me in IV; I slept for 12 hours last night, my most of this school year. It wasn't exactly an ordinary week in IV altogether, what with there being no school today and a lot of rain the past couple days. It's weird how when the geographic and other outside circumstances produce unusual weeks, there's plenty of other unusual things that go on. Notice I didn't say bad though. The week itself was pretty normal, it was the weekend that was absurd, absurdly amazing. I left IV this weekend to go up north, as far north as I have ever been, near San Louis Obispo, I think. I went with a bunch of other Sophomores that Love Jesus. I wasn't really sure what to expect, no leaders, a bunch of college kids in cabins near the woods, rainy and dark-it started out like the beginning to any good horror movie, or any cheesy one I guess.
Thankfully, it progressed quite differently. The weekend was exceptional, such that it is hard to describe. I knew most people who were there, but not everyone, and the first night was admittedly, a little awkward with people who kind of knew each other talking about themselves. That was where the awkward ended and the awesome began, as once worship started the weekend really got going. People created deep bonds this weekend, and deepened the bonds that they already had, especially with God. I Loved it, and there was one point in the weekend where I really felt like these people were my family.
I rarely think about family, especially my family. But I hung out with my family this weekend, and I realized that I take many of them for granted. I see them so much that I have no desire to know them deeply, until now. I have noticed we as humans do this often, get surface deep and then stop. Maybe we are scared, maybe we are lazy, but for whatever reason, our desire to grow deeper with someone wanes the as we actually do just that. It's just like with eating, most people and eat and don't want to eat anymore; most people eat relational food and are relationally stuffed. I have decided that I no longer want to take these people for granted, I want to know who they are, what they Love and Hate, and how I can Love them more. I Love them so much more now. I feel energized. I got 12 hours of sleep last night.
Restaurant of the week: Firestones. Coming to you all the way from SLO, this place is known for its tri-tip and delicious BBQ. It had a line out the door the entire time we were there and an entire plaza devoted to its patrons. Good amount of food for the price. A must have if you are in SLO.
~Good Luck and Good Eats.