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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Nice Guys Finish Last

The Female Paradox
I have been waiting to write this note for some time, and finally, using my 5-day weekend I have finally decided to. Now, let me preface this note by saying that this note does not apply to EVERY female, this is just something that I find to be generally true. Guys are always curious on how to get females, and there are a variety of different personality guys out there ranging from complete D-Bag to Nice guy. Typically the only types of guys worth getting with, from the perspective of the females, are the ones on the ‘Nice Guy’ side of the scale. However, as everyone knows, nice guys finish last. But why is this? I set out to answer that question.
Females, as a nice guy myself, let me tell you what I have found. There is a paradox that exists within the female institution. That is this: girls prefer to date nicer guys, however they only pay attention to D-Bags/jerks. Nicer guys are typically the ones who have a harder time communicating with the girls that they find attractive/they are shy. And I will tell you the unfortunate truth that is at the heart of this paradox: girls do not understand this. They simply go on their way, paying and giving most of their attention to guys that treat them life they are not worth it. This is sad, from the perspective of an unbiased outside observer (of which I am not). If guys are indeed nice to girls, they will appreciate it, but they won’t really notice those guys, whereas if guys are meaner and less friendly to those same females then they won’t have any interest in those guys, but at least they will notice them.
So what does this mean? It simply means that all guys, but especially wholesome, quality guys, will always have to struggle more to get with females as long as this paradox exists. The fact is that Jerks have better ways to combat the female paradox, making themselves appear more of a catch, while the nice guys have to work within the system to accomplish the hard-as-nails task of trying to woo females.
I do not say all this to bag on females, or anything close to that, I just have some advice for females: stop complaining. Make up your mind-what kind of guy do you want, a jerk, or a nice guy. I am simply tired of hearing females complain that they cannot find the right guy or that all good guys are either gay or married. Females are not stupid or anything close, they are ignorant. If you really want a guy who will treat you with the respect that you deserve-then pay attention to the guys who treat you right! And for goodness’ sake, stop giving attention to guys who are jerks to you. Because if you do not, guys will have to continue to treat you bad just to get notice, or treat you well, and risk the very real possibility of being forgotten. Obviously this is not universal and does not apply to every guy or female and shouldn’t be read without a grain of salt but it is what it is, sadly.
~Good Luck and Good Eats